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Make your husband ask her nicely why she is staring at him in front of you. See what she is going to answer. Then he should let her know (also nicely and kindly) that he doesn't feel comfortable with the way she acts and ask her to stop it. It's harassment in a certain way, after all.
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kinda shy at first I'm honest an have a big heart i like playing pool camping an spending time with famil.
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If I ever reuploaded something it would be because I wasn’t sure if I uploaded it a first time or not.
| +1 |
definitely love that skinny little body.
| +1 |
She's very hot with an eastern European look about her, and you gotta love the "Don't Fuck with me" expression on her face.
| +1 |
Smoking hot and so very cute at the same time!
| +1 |
hell yes, thatguywiththeno - skinny amd young. and you can see ribs. she's excellent.
| +1 |
Am passionate and caring woman willing to engage in a serious relationship with a caring, loving and family orientated man.. I'm not here for games. If you are not serious don't waste your time.
| +1 |
I wasn't talking about cheating. I was asking whether you usually started dating guys you already knew, even if not very well, or if you usually date a guy you first meet after breaking up.
| +1 |
stunning...absolutely stunning.
| +1 |
bathroom mirror selfpic blue nailpolish shiny pink bra hoh.
| +1 |
selfshot mirror cellphone pigtail shaved polkadot sideknot bikini headband hairband raccoon tgpis hydrogen peroxide.
| +1 |
The abusive one was the longest. It took me a long time to find the courage to leave him.
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So iv no problems being cooler and starting dating...but im to coward at moment to say ..whats all this fcbk stuff...do you not think i realize your deleting comments..hell if you looked at her page you wouldnt guess shes in a relationship.However since she put 'in a relationship'...the fellers have tailed off !Even though shes removed it after last week...at least she hasnt put single though..lol!
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I’m just tryna see where the night takes u.
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White pants always make a nice butt look better.
| +1 |
Stunning shot. Perfect angle, and such a beautiful little girlie.
| +1 |
She's a goddess. That is truth.
| +1 |
jugs indeed; nay, floaters.
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Originally Posted by CardPlay3r.
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Im REALLY asking a question. I want to know what is going on out here because I am dating and it seems like guys expect sex so fast when you meet them sometimes and I wonder why. Not all guys cause I have meet 3 guys that ask ME to be exclusive with them in the last 4 months and I said no. I also see that guys are saying fast before even getting to know you, I dont want a relationship but we can be cool to women.
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Im a down to earth man.that love to learn and explore life.I am looking for someone who got at least some of the same interests.this way we can share in each other interest.i would like us to grow.
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TBH, based on what I know of your history, she should be a zero now. Navel lint.
| +1 |
HEY UNCLE - can you please tell the HATERS that I do upload pics and you do approve them..they just get dumped by that chris hansen guy before the day is done...thanks.