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Hi there. I'm a warm, cheerful, intelligent man looking for a special woman who is also warm, intelligent, and cheerful to share some fun times and maybe the journey. For fun we might have evenings.
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Chapter 6: How to use an apostrophe instead of a semicolon.
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how can this be commented on one year and 8 months ago when the date stamp says '1 23 12'?
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The actions are always there some mens actions are just more obvious then others. Some men might actually do some of the above just too get you in bed. But even still some of their actions will point to just wanting sex.
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Originally Posted by Leigh 87.
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I'm not sure. I sent him an E-Mail explaining how I was hurt with his comments and why they made me hurt. I sent it at 2AM this morning but have yet to get a response. He has odd hours (compared to most) because of what he does, so I wouldn't be surprised if he has yet to read it. I was supposed to be playing in a Poker Tournament this evening, but due to my schedule, wasn't able to make it. We probably won't catch each other tonight until about 10PM. I'm a little nervous.
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Tan makes a heart on her chest.
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I think it has to do with a fear of intimacy. If I'm involved with an ass, I have an excuse to keep a part of myself away from them. An excuse not to trust them, or open myself up, or really love them completely -- because they are *******s and do insensitive, cruel, and sometimes even abusive things. It's a front.
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i used to "hang out" with a bait girl who looked a lot like this girl. same size boobs and everything. not the same girl but it makes me miss the good old days.
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From a male perspective a good heart, meaning care, empathy, compassion and love can balance out an intellectual imbalance, but I'm unclear if such an equation exists for women. I'm presuming you're far more intelligent than he is. There is a difference between marked disparities in intelligence and similar ones in education. Regardless, this weighs on your psyche and therefore is an issue.
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It's already in the main gallery, it don't need keep votes :).
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You say that you "shouldn't have to tell her," but the fact is, different people have different boundaries. I don't mean chain her to the wall or anything like that, but when you're dating exclusively there has to be some mutual agreement on what you both can handle. Making out with other people even when drunk could be verboten in someone else's relationship, but might be fine in yours. In any case, you need to sit down and have an open discussion with her. Ask her why she feels the need to do this. It's hurting you, it's hurting your relationship. Tell her what you've been writing here.
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Keep in mind that if you are dating someone with Asperger's, they will probably always have an emotional detachment. Things are always VERY black and white in their mind. If you are worried that you would have a hard time dating someone who has trouble expressing empathy, sadly a person with Asperger's might not be right for you. People living with this type of Autism obviously have feelings and emotions, but the hard part for them is finding relativity in them.. and logic will always be their priority.
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well about me I am nice,sweet, kind, careing,loveing. person I am not about games sincere,respectful, intelligent,spiritual,positive,honest,loyal,trustworthy,resp onsible,Straight u.
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stunning. so perfect.
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5. You should both be making an effort to see each other in a LDR.
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Agreed , very nice! Great body.
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I would say "let him call you" you don't want to seem pushy or controlling. He told you it wasn't a "good time" to bring this info about you two to his parents and though you were trying to understand where he was coming from or find out what was going on, maybe he felt it's something private his parents are dealing with that he didn't feel right about telling you; all you can do is respect his choice not to tell them right now.
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And there's no value in couples counseling until you get individual counseling to help you understand exactly why you chose to cheat on a perfectly good man/relationship - and what you need to learn in order to never cheat again.
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Help me understand how that makes any sense?
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brunette selfpic db cross white halter sitting cleavage arm2camera indoors.
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How do you think how bad idea is it to go on a first date on new years celebration? Havent met this girl before, but we've been chatting on skype sometimes and its pretty clear that we like each other.
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Jerk is right. Such people will eventually suck your soul one way or another. And it is especially depressing when you have to use all your energy to keep in check your own suppressed dismay (provided you are not as equally jerky).
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moved here from Cali looking to start ove.