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Is there a backstory here? Because I really don't get where you're coming from at all.
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Thanks for the responses. He bailed on me this weekend saying he was sick. Although I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, the track record on how often I see him makes me not believe him. I have a feeling he was probably with someone else or his buddies asked him to do something. It's okay if that happened but I rather have an honest answer. He probably won't asked me out this upcoming week, not even for an hour. That's all I wanted. But I guess I have to move on.....Ugh...I had such high hopes this this guy....the dating process sucks!
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b/t/w searching for your boyfriends post on the net is not too "legit".
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Hi. my names Amy I have 2 kids they both live with me I love to read and listen to music 🎶 and watch movies or do something fun wit my kid.
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LOL ok, if you say so.
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I am a simple guy. I am usually serious about stuff but i am fun loving. I like to be honest always and i am sensitive to feelings. I know value of this lif.
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chats and maybe a little fun .
| +1 |
Nia is a keeper. Very nice and responded in a timely manner. She set her incall close to my…".
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twosome bikini yard peace neighbor.
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Well yeah, there are no universal emotions. In and of itself, nothing is shameful or wrong. You need that thing between the ears to make such a judgement.
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Very nice pix. Purple top heart necklace.
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I tend to have a sixth sense on whether or not she is cheating or they are just friends. I would trust a woman but if I ever caught her even hinting at cheating with them the relationship would be history.
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Too busy to date = youre not worth me putting in effort to make time in my schedule.
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However I see the trend increasing that people (people, not only women) would ghost on their partners after the dating phase, and I'm not only talking about what I read on LS, but real life stories heard here and there.
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He's probably not interested in starting a relationship that would already be long distance. Very few people would be.
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I am funny,stable,single divorcee and mother. Live in the DC area seeking friendship and dating. You won't be disappointe.
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That's part of the issue. Older men may not necessarily want to go through the same experiences with you that they've already been through themselves. Some men like that role, but others would rather be with someone who has experienced them already and is on the same page, not someone just starting out.
| +1 |
definitely a quality girl for the home page!