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i think you should try being funny/witty instead of "dumbing yourself down" and talking about things that don't really interest you. girls love funny guys, especially in really social and laid back atmospheres.
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The first date I had with this girl did not go well (at least not to me). It didn't go poorly but it could have gone better. I don't know what she thought of it, however, she did not suggest we do it again (neither did I). She was chatty but I don't think we clicked; I wasn't able to loosen up as much as I normally might and she did not understand when I was politely poking fun at her. She said she had a "really great time" but who knows what that means. It did last for an hour and 45 minutes and it didn't feel that long.
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Checkmeight: No mentioning of ages. You've actually had several borderline comments today (since flagged and deleted). Dial it back.
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Until you two either understand each other, or one or the other realizes that you aren't going to see eye to eye on this, then you can't "fix" this. If you don't understand him, then it will happen again, and he knows this. But he feels you betrayed his trust, and he doesn't feel he should have to force you to attempt to understand him if you don't want to.
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it sounds like you hit the jackpot.
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Please do not contact me for my email/phone # to try and up sell me to any.
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And that was that. Not sure why this guy is getting so defensive??
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Per square inch, it's a much more severe biting ability.
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Where is other black Jb??
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No offense against people that have countless tattoos, as some I am sure have a story or life event behind them, however many don't and they have them to try to impress others or themselves...thus they re pretty cliche nowdays....just like implants are cliche.
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Filthbag. That's a good thing, by the way.
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This is the vibe I get from her, too.
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*Let them go potty in your neighbor's yard.
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laying facefdown bench bikini fih.
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At the end of dinner, I suggest we go for a drink to a club that has live music.
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This pic has ruined my life. Makes me never want to leave the house!
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blonde arm2camera selfpic db cleavage red black white top raccoon.
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iW4NTu - Logout and log back in.
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Ummmm... if he had HIS own place, he'd be spending this money as well! So sharing a place with you, he is actually SAVING half of what he'd be spending at his own place.
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here's my little scoop, i've been dating this guy for a few months, i met him at college. We live 12 hours apart, and because of work and life basically, seeing each other a normal bit over the summer is unrealistic this year. I understand that, but his ex-girlfriend, of 8 months, which was last february until he left for school (we began dating in teh fall) is still telling him she'd do anything to be with him, and still loves him. She knows he has me now, and she has been dating someone else for 4 years, she just never let my b.f. know that as she was dating him. Now i know that he's smarter than to go back to ehr, but she's beautiful, and he says he wants to be a positive light her life. So he might hang out with her, or give her a call. When i told him it would seem like he was investing energy into seeing her, she'd go crazy and want to be with him, he got a bit upset and said i wasn't trusting him. Well i've had no reason not to trust him, i'm just concerned. Plus his friends from home are stil friends with her, so what if they all hang out together??
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I feel that woman was created for man to adore, cherish, and love to please in any way that makes them both happy. I love the feel of a woman's skin, the smell of her hair. And doing things that make.
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she's absolutely stunning!