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Personally I don't see why you couldn't just go in and say with a smile "hey, y'know, I was kind of kicking myself that I didn't just get your number yesterday, you wanna go ?".
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There's always a compromise, but what are you wanting him to compromise? Do you want to stipulate he can only look at 10 pictures a week? How will you enforce this? I do think you need an ongoing dialogue on this and you should express your concerns about what this could lead to. I personally don't believe men looking at pictures of nude women very often leads to affairs...but, yes, it's a personal thing that they would probably prefer to do in secret...something like masturbating...not something you want to go around announcing.
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This is my second time with Sandy. She is amazing. We met for 2 hours and we both wanted more. I treated her to some DATY and she loved it. Her services are top notch and she aims to please. I will see her again my next time through... Love you Sexy Sandy!
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im bicurious but im a fun loving person looking for a chanc.
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hadn't seen one this good in a long time, wow.
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sitting pwh bikini wading shorts bracelet scrunchie ring pool poolside sideview blonde pm.
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If you like to know more your well come to chat.
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Middle girl with the amazing outie bellybutton.
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lue eyes, great butt.
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classy girl, cute face, has a bikini body.
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(This was when I was in a needy phase and incapable of growing a pair of my own, besides even if I had, she would have made me turn them over anyway.).
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I am curious if I am dating in a healthy way after four months. He has said before that I dont seem to want to make a more "emotional" connection, or that my life is so seperate from his. Is it because I am not moving forward to more intamacy in any of the areas I mentioned above? Does it seem as though I should be doing anything different, or am I at the right place for this amount of dating time?
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Apology accepted, Captain Needa.
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I'm also happy i did not say anything [very important] and that i managed to fight my usual recluse self.
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I mean after all what if the shoe were on the other foot? would she be so forgiving and unqyuesrtioning of you had it been a pic of you grinding with some hottie bent over in the background? I think not...she would freak out bigtime. She never figured you'd see that pic, man!
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I'm not the most experienced person out there when it comes to relationships and dating and I'm trying to learn from each experience. So I guess my main questions are. Could I have handled the aftermath in a better way? Should I even be dating again so soon, when I'm still kind of reeling from my "breakup"?
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I am a redhead have hazel eyes. I like to go to the movies 4wheeler riding and horses. I also like to cook. There are two things I am pionateabout my Christianity and politic.
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doops:LoveTeens 3sach13803 feelinglucky thc113 .
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Been up for a day and already in 32 lists!
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We got over that and have been dating for 4 months. That ex and I are now friends and I'm sure nothing happened but there's also another one she talks to an this one still has romantic feelings a told her so regularly. She would never let me text him and still to this day he texts her and talks to her. He claims to respect our relationship now but I don't believe him at all and I don't think he tells me about half the things he says. However I don't think she would ever touch him after what he did which was cheat on her for an entire year.
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w999vx..go to FAQs..information how to link the pictures is their.
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Thanks man! She's definitely going in the spunkybait 2012 calendar (y).