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| +1 |
And if so, did he accept your apology?
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Hi. im king 5'11 fun down to earth and funny love to have fun and stay away from drama in my free time i love to shoot pool go bowling and out to eat or stay home and watch movies and coo.
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yes, they look like toothpicks.
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wow, can i find more?
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I happen to be extremely attracted to an online Indonesian friend of mine. He is dirt poor, and lives in a painfully small run down home with his mother and several siblings.
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That's cause nerds don't do this. To many people! This is the work of Geeks.
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I have a friend that had a cush on me since the 9th grade. He's in the process of divorcing his wife. He told the wife about us, and now she's sending me emails talking a bunch of you know what. I really dont want to have any problems with her because there are four kids involve, two from each side. Now the problem is that she's really a loser, her mom gave her an apt because she had the kids. Now she told my friend that she dont want to deal with the kids anymore, because she wants to party and do whatever she wants. Now that e took the kids her mother took the apt from from her and let her know she's a nobody. Now because she dont have anywhere to live he took her in, and he is now staying with me. I love him a lot, but i dont like drama and i really dont want my kids around that type of person. I need some advise.
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awesome body...too bad about the tongue.
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You girls seem to have great intuition and kudos to you. I tend to believe you're the exception though. I'll stand my ground on the idea that in dating, slow and steady runs the race.
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Why you even care about someone who has shown you a boatload of disrespect time and again flies in the face of common sense.
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Rmastersoni21 at G mail dot co.
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Hi.looking for you guys 55-70 years in close distance of Torrevieja.
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She obviously has feelings for her bf and so far there have been few if any POSITIVE and CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions for how she should handle this except people saying--Yea, be creeped out. Really?
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middle leaves me speechless.
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good luck, but stay away from the OM. He cheated on his girlfriend. He used you for sex. He does not love you.
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2 is hot but 3 is sexy as well.