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No, do not call... That would make you weak and chasing her.
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She's bothered by my answer but I remember her asking me the same question 3-4 weeks ago and I gave her the same answer. I think it's more of a matter she has with herself. She wants the best of both worlds. I feel like she wants to be in a LTR with me but also be the friendly, outgoing, free spirited, private girl she was before she met me. She hasn't dated anyone in 2 years so it's a big change for her. It'll be hard for her.
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I am a 23 year old man still continuing his education. I also like spending Friday nights at home. So if your single hook me u.
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Going to a bar or club is out of the question. You don't fit in, and you can't pretend. You'll get a girl, but you're going to have to do a little work on yourself first. Girls like security, and if you're insecure about yourself, you need to fix that. If you think it's harder than it seems, you're right, but you're 24...you have time. "Getting security" takes time, effort, and determination. I'm assuming you're employed? If not, get a job...use it as a "school of life" and begin to work on things. If you don't have a workout program, start one....and determine it's for life. A workout program over time, builds your self confidence and esteem in ways that supplement your inner work. Work on communication and listening skills. "The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense" by Suzette Hayden Elgin I highly recommend to use as a foundation. A formula I live by: Will + Faith + Purpose = Power. Power is the ability to change things, because you can. Faith is your personal self confidence which is increased every time you exercise your personal "Will" successfully.
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Within a ten mile radius of me, using the most popular dating site, match, there are, regardless of photo, age or any other criteria, 54 men and 40 women listed. So 54/40 = 1.35 men for every woman. In my age group, 45-55, there are 10 men and 6 women, so 10/6 = 1.67 men for every woman.
| +1 |
Lovely view. In the background and the foreground.
| +1 |
Thank you...and ditto right back at ya!!!
| +1 |
i dont care if she was tom hanks famous, this is great.
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It's not I'm afraid, but I can see where you're coming from!
| +1 |
Very attractive young lady.
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Like the saying says.."Birds of a feather.
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Your only other option is to endure this until you can't take it anymore. An emotionally healthy person (I assume you are) will eventually reach a breaking point and his fears of you leaving him will ultimately come true. Deal with this ASAP!
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ATTN: ALL NEW MEMBERS. I strongly advise reading the FAQ before posting comments or uploading photos. Ask any other questions here on the Comment Page6 and your friendly neighborhood Moderator will answer them. Thank you!
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i cant believe this pic has so few reviews.
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Seriously dude, you are being played.
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what was i thinking..duh!..let's say he was sent bye, bye:P.
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Ok this thread comes up about every other week, so I’m gonna give my Happy Friday answer.
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And where are your marriage plans at the moment?
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there could be more under that.
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I'm looking for someone that will want to be just as supportive to me as I am to them to communicate with me. :) I can strike up a conversation with just about anyone. But it hasn’t always been this.
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Hottie, love the braces.
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I agree on the needing of a series for sure.
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To me, slutty (man or woman) is sleeping with alot of people in the same day/week, without showering...Offering up blowjobs, going from one to the other, not caring about anybody else but themselves.
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One was more concerned with her fish tacos than me.
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That sucks, Sabali. I put some time and effort into my profile to try to attract what I'm looking for. And I've had a number of compliments on it too. But when I asked the guy from last week why so many guys that I hd nothing in common with wrote to me, he just kept repeating "It's the photos. It's the photos.".