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When we spoke of kids before, his reasons for not wanting them were due to money, which in my mind could be worked out eventually. Now he doesn't want them at all because he feels it's too late for him and really has no desire for them.
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He was open about it-- it was his first relationship (the mother of his child) and 20 years ago-- he's never done it since, and seems incredibly remorseful about it.
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Lefty is incredibly gorgeous!
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brunette cockeye purple patterned strapless bikini navel piercing iphone selfpic bathroom towel tanlines.
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If you send anything at all, I'd just say: It was nice spending some time with you, but I don't think we're a match. Good luck" This closes things up without sounding like you are whining that she didn't contact you.
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Awesome big boobs, very nice.
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looks like meekakitty.
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Who would want to see this hot lil sexy blond dumped for christ sake. Shes awesome!
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You really like this girl and I hope it works out! Best of luck and keep us posted.
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wow the tits on righty and she looks fairly skinny too.
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I think the OP either didn't know how greatly booze could effect her or ignored it and had the drink(s). I think the 'friend' took advantage of the situation. I think it impaired her ability to think straight - and that the moment of penetration snapped her out of it like a bucket of cold water. I have a hard time crucifying the OP for her behavior - she learned one of the same lessons I did - the only difference being that she was married/committed at the time and I lucked out and wasn't when I learned my lesson about the effect of alcohol on my judgment.
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So he didnt bother talking to his cousin about it on sunday. When i phoned him on monday, he told me this and i admit i was disapointed. He has been telling me for 2 months that he would, and all he did on the phone was promise again that he would. I can;t really believe his promise though cause its been forever and he's made no effort.
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No one hates you and no you are not uncontrollably psychotic - you just need to become more comfortable in your own skin, and lose some of your insecurities.
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That wouldn't be a good example for us. To me saying, "Hey, can we do this" isn't a fight because it's a solution. If I give him a solution that is concete, he's fine. If I want his ideas or HIM to do any work in coming up with any solutions, even work for himself, that's where we have issues. I'm talking about speaking to problems where I don't already have a potential solution, where I want us to find one together. That's a fight/conflict. I'm talking about where the solutions between the two parties aren't fully realized yet and communicating on that level.
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Really cute girl, eager to please and a good GFE.".