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Wow, what a hot bikini babe!
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Because you didn't ask the right way dude.
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How long have you been in palm coas.
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What if she does poorly in school? What if she goes out with older men? Gets drunk, does drugs? Gets pregnant? Lives like a pig? Is disrespectful?
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Guilty, no. But it does sound like a bit of game playing going on.
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She is loyal to her bf I think and maybe trying to justify herself in her own mind that as long as we don't kiss it's ok. After the date she was even sending me text messages and we spoke online the next night for a few hours even though she said she was on for a few minutes.
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Passed thru Dubai the weekend and visited Mimi for her Nuru Service. She also offered me a Whiskey Blow Job which blew me away completely could only stay for 1hr which not enough time.
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I remember going out to a restaurant late at night with my best friend and her then bf. I was single but I always enjoyed my time with them. Sure there were times where I thought (and still think) how awesome it would be to have someone by my side but then I realize I can wait for the guy who really does it for me. I'm not going to die. A guy has never defined who I was as a person, and it would be a shame if you let this one define you.
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What if she were a guy? would you be saying these things about a guy who had slept with 9 girls in 9 months. I doubt it. You'd probably be high-fiving him. Should all women look askance at a guy whose rate of screwage during a specific time frame in his life was one girl per month? That he is now untrustworthy? Trust has more to do with whether the person is in a committed relationship and cheating. If the girl or guy was single then they are accountable to no one. It's not an issue of trust. It's an issue about standards.
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I think the bigger problem is these women talking about their exes on the first date. That's a big no-no, for men and women.
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Call back quick and say someone was at the door so you put the phone down. Then say you were just going to give him your number so he can call and invite you out sometime.
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Pro fighter. I have a huge heart and I'm one of the last honest hard working genuinely.
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Take the Oklahoma (the musical) philosophy: "I don't say I'm no better than anybody else, but I'll be damned if I ain't just as good" (poor grammar aside, a good way to live, IME).
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tanktop with silkscreen crosses one upside down love denim bottom bracelet smile standing in front of stone stairs that lead to fountain and stone monument.
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I think though that may be attributed to the fact that of the 3 1/2 years, I've only been home for 2 years of it, and I've left and returned 3 times with no less than 6 months spanning in between. When I come home in a few weeks, it would of been over a year.
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I told P I'm glad he likes my friends and vice versa and I'm happy when.
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That, right there, is a proper use of zoom. omg.
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This entire paragraph is very wayward thinking.
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I think I have the right to call for a few girls nights and watch '2 can play that game' and 'waiting to exhale' and other girly movies that may help me let some tears out I haven't been allowed yet.
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You have to have a long overdue conversation with your boyfriend on what his policy is with this chick and how he intends upon handling her from now on. If what he says isn't satisfactory, then it's time to reconsider the wisdom in being with someone who can't seem to respect your esteem. Sometimes love just isn't enough of a good reason to continue with someone who allows you to be treated this way. One can love someone who is bad for them and this guy seems to be that person.