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sluggo..thanks..that is one of the ones that didnt delete..there are a few..it is on the list..it is flagged.
| +1 |
JBG mail should be working now.
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I am a single woman, am 36 years old never married ..Am a kind and big hearted person. Honesty is very important to me but unfortunately there isn't much of it about these days. I love to laugh i'm.
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I think it is not as severe for a female, but I think it would be tough to get dates if I was a 35 yr old male living at my parents house.
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So I confronted her, and she just denies denies denies. She is a victim of ****ty technology. Its not fair that her phone is saying she is somewhere she is not. No no no....I mean she is adament but I don't believe her. Trust me I want to believe her, I want it to be a false reading...but dammit I cannot go against what appears to be completely legit.
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"Met Taylor tonight, she was genuine to speak with on the phone and very down to earth. Made me feel comfortable immediately, my concern was, could it be good to be true. Taylor arrived on time and updated me on her progressive driving to my hotel. Upon her arrival, I was immediately taken by her natural beauty and sweet face and smile. When we went to the room she made everything feel at ease. She had a sexy body and her pictures were as described. Her body is sexy and she was very sweet, a true girl friend experience. Her body and ass was amazing! She never rushed the service and was concerned as to my outcome and satisfaction. You would do well to have an experience and the pleasure of her company. Plan to see her again tomorrow night as well.
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i think if u look closely youll find that the seashells are on a shower curtain...lol not pics :P.
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hottt! love it when they kiss and dont have a shirt on.
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Is this the new locker room talk and male norm. Everything between males and females has to be equal? Is this realistic? Or is it simply the new Man Nag or Boy-bitch?
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girls, show of hands: who wants ice cream?
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i will post some more of the blonde girl shortly.
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A huge number of people... both men and women, make new lovers pay for the sins of the previous ones.
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no kids cant have any. love fishing sports camping boating movies. easy to get along with. looking. for someone special who is honest caring trusting and will love me for m.
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brunette self pic white shirt heart necklace.
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can you try loading them again?
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Marrying someone without ever having sex with them is a bad idea. I think you should have sex at least, say, ten times. Sometimes the first time doesn't go too well just due to nerves, so it might take awhile for the parties to be comfortable with each other.
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Possible. The only relationship I can recall when this happened was with my girlfriend Mary. She and I were close friends for quite some time. She later confessed she had fallen in love with me, but at that time I had no sexual desire for her. She was like my sister. I'm assuming it could happen with a guy, too. See him as my brother or best-friend.
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Hey, did you not call him back then? Maybe he's thinking he's sent you two messages, and if you've not responded then you're not all that bothered??
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Anabella is a very lovely person, she is very kind and funny, she made laugh a lot.
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Get out- you're an abused woman waiting to happen. He's already abusing you in many ways.
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The next night I had some friends over for a bonfire. I invited him. At first he said he had too much work to do. But a half an hour later he called back and asked if it was still ok to stop by so he could see me. He met all my friends and we had a nice time.
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about myself,adventurous and open minded,the meaning of love has many elements flowing all together at once,my interpretation is a feeling of desire and appreciation for each other,supporting.
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why would you possibly put records in the comments for the search term? How many people have a fetish for records behind a girl taking mirror pics? .