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The one in the middle.
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20 stone chubby guy looking for guys for discreet fun. Love body contact, kissing, mutual wanking & sucking. Also like naturism and would like to try group fun. Can't accommodate. Can travel locally.
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im soccer player and i from africa living in memphi.
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Man up and do the right thing.
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Not supposed to date or be seen with a boy in public........and most definitely not a white guy. Is it possible or not?? There you go. You just answered your own question.
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Do continue to meet up with other men. This guy is passive. While other men are meeting you, he is only getting a text. Unless of course he's seeing someone and that's why he can only text you for now.
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I guess I was referring to the last hurrah thing at the bachelor party. I think that's one situation in which a spouse can "look the other way", provided the guys behave themselves and don't take it further than necessary.
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God I love my bikini top! and we like the rest.
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Either way, this guy saw it as more. His goal became getting more from you. And so he made his moves. You realized that a simple friendship in your eyes became more in his eyes. He saw a woman who was leaving her husband, yet you were only (in your mind) having marital difficulties.
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Wow, righty is Smokin' Hot, lefty is super cute. Quik2Favs.
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My advice to you would be to.
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My post got all garbled up. Here is my reply:.
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I converted to Islam 2 years ago. I am currently incarcerated I was convicted of a non violent crime and will be getting released September this year. I am an honest and up front man I am kind .
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I thought of going on one more date, arranging something really cool and if it happens again I'll say I'm going to start seeing other people (we're dating exclusively at the moment).
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Oh yea almost forgot- lefty! (y).
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Gotta love shower pics. And for her to still have her makeup and jewelry on with her tongue out is so hot.
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So I'm trying to figure this out.. He succeeded in making me feel really ****ty for sending the pic (especially as I got nothing out of it, I don't even know why I did it), but can;t give me a straight answer. He doesn't want a relationship, and he says I'm free to do what I like but he'd prefer to know about it. But knowing makes him distrust me and feel 'disconnected'. He hasn't seen any other girls since we met.
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jack what you want done with that list below please?
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lam fcl booty closet socks mirror selfpic.
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If I were married to a woman for 10 years and she decided to tell me that during a portion - ANY portion - of our relationship, she screwed another guy and never bothered to let me know, she would have divorce papers in her hand as soon as I could get a lawyer to process them.
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One heck of a body and a cute face. Nice.
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So the fact you feel like this is actually a good thing.