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Almost as pretty as the dutch goddess i dare say.
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Hey everyone i dont know where else to go for help so i figured id try here. Ill try to keep it short and simple. Ive been with my girlfriend since i was 16 and she was 15 im now 29 so its been quite a long relationship for us youngins. We had a prriod about 5-6 years ago where we agreed to "break up" for about a year I guess just because, we mutually agreed on it, there werent any issues or anything. So fast foward about 2 years after we got back together (i know it seems invasive but i was trusting my gut) i went through her phone and found a message from a guy she went to college with and she wrote how great their sex was she claims it was an ongoing joke they had and she never had sex with him. Now fast foward to about a year ago (again trusting my gut) i went through her phone and found her talking to another guy she had met during our seperation, hadnt done anything i know of but she was calling him babe which made me very uneasy. Now this past friday (once agan trusting my gut) i go through her phone and she was talking to a guy she worked with over a year ago at a previous job and they were planning to meet up for a drink that night. I work 2nd shift mind you and i was getting out early that night so she cancelled on him and deleted the txt the next day before i confronted her. Shes claims shes never hung out with him outside of her old job but wanted to catch up with her old friend. Now she claims these guys are her friends when i knew nothing about any of them until i snooped through her phone. She denies having cheated on me ever. She says she randomly deletes her texts thats why she deleted that one 2 days ago yet she has txts from 2 years ago. She claims she deleted it cause she knew id get mad if i saw it and "she woild have told me if they did meet up" she also is constantly on snapchat she even said how she talks to this dude on there which i find even sketchier. Weve never had relationship issues untill all this **** began after our stupid ass "breakup" and i love the **** outta her now all my trust is lost in her and i dont know what to do.
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Hi. add me on hangout paulinecolldez@ gmail co.
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Tom Petty says "don't come around here no more" and so should you. Stop being his motel.
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Blonde pink tank self pic.
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she'd be a perfect bikini model!
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Interesting. I didn't realize there was such a strong difference between finding someone attractive and having the qualities you're looking for on the one hand, and romantic feelings on the other. IME, romantic feelings are basically feelings of friendship with physical attraction thrown into the mix. Can you explain the difference better?
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Honest answer: girl has a pig-nose, photo is cockeyed, the image isnt very crisp, her body doesnt show anything special, she isn't centered, she has too much makeup on, and her face is largely in shadow. Overall, a low quality photo. It will never get in.
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And what a great angle to show those gorgeous thighs and firm perky tits.
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you have 20 pic's approved, not sure how many were voted off or rejected as dupes ?????
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This little beauty is setting fireworks of in my mind.
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Hey. Just looking for what could and should be. Yo.
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hot hot, hotter than hell, girl your like the mid day sun.
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Iam cool like to keep it real honest and my attentions are goo.
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After I expanded my horizons a little I realized that as long as theres a baseline attraction there (which you wont know for sure until you meet her) then attraction can grow if everything else is jiving. The last guy I dated was maybe a 6 but I ended up being super attracted to him because we had great chemistry between us.
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I'm crazy with a sense of humor. I'm looking for someone with whom I will be happy :.
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I’m a single/divorced parent of 2 teenagers (17 and 15) and have recently begun to date again. I am up front that I have children yet explain unless a serious longer term relationship should form I don’t believe in bringing or introducing the children at the dating stage. It was a polite and fair way of letting the men know they will not be meeting my children early on.
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I journaled a lot, and it helped. Especially to go back and realize how much of the issue I had created in my own head, and apply it to other situations to calm myself.
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Hi..I'm an ordained, non-denominational minister and I work as a care giver,reading, study of languages old and new, being out in nature, ghost hunting, helping others and sharing what I have with.
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Originally Posted by BlueIris.
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I am a fun person to be around. Very loyal and faithful to a fault. I follow the Golden Rule and believe in karma. I believe in living life to the fullest. Take advantage of every second, minute and.
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He's been looking for a job, and I'm guessing it's been a year or so. He's very elusive when it comes to details. Supposedly, his business went under but his partner is doing just fine. Seems like something happened with his job, he was kicked out by his roommates (a couple), and he moved in with family. There are some other weird details, but I don't know if they affect this particular concern or not.
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well what do we have here? total sexyness.