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Something like that. Women are hypergamous by nature. In other works they "marry up" and it's just something women do usually through nature to secure providers for having kids. It's an instinct they don't really have control over for the most part. Attraction isn't a choice as the saying goes. Women who are highly educated and have a great job have a smaller pool of men who they can marry up to, so those are the ones hit hardest with "there are no good men". The reality is they're ignoring/omitting men who aren't as successful as they are whether they realize it or not.
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I am 26, white, bbw. Born to love! I am on the lookout for a relationshi.
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When we first met he was quite the partier/ social butterfly. Most of his friends are/were attractive females. And he tended to get a lot of attention from girls. He is the type of person who LOVES attention. I know that during the first few months we were seeing eachother, he had definately been unfaithful once, although I am not quite sure as to how far he'd gone. I caught him one night after he'd been out at a club with hickies all over his neck.. and on his arm...? We weren't 'official' but it was understood that we would only really be seeing eachother, and by this time I had already fallen in love with him.
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Lonely? That would be my guess.
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I am a single Christian lady go to Church on Sunday Tuesday Bible study .I am looking for a Christian man no smoking or drinks .I am very compassion warmheart caring cheerful person also very.
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I am a fun loving young 45 year old. Love life and tend to be optimistic and a happy person. I enjoy a fun day outdoors, I also look forward to quiet time at home curled up on the couch. I am a.
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Massage was very relaxing, she’s sensually kinky and accommodated my ‘special requests’ with ease and she knows what to do and what i meant/wanted so it was easy to connect and made my fetishes and fantasies come true.
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Nice girl, love her hands.
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luv her legs in tights.
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The one in the middle wears them better!
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So we have gone out for almost 2 years. Gf is acting so wierd all week. First she keeps asking me if I'm happy. I guess I have been snapping at her a lot this week.
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longhair brunette necklace hoh pwh hok bent over bent knee pose black bra denim skirt hose stockings indoor wood floor plant picture wallpaper unbuttoned open older.
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fivesome? lol topless handbra grind bikini.
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So what's the deal? Why are there few funny women?
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After I thought about it, I had to start breathing heavy because I felt an urge to punch something, because this is plainly messed up.
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I would be careful, OP. His big emotional reaction suggests he's in deeper than you realized. If it was truly just friendship, he would likely have been a lot calmer when you confronted him, at least in regards to assuring you she is truly platonic. But the heaving sobs and declaring he feels lost in life? There's more to this. It's eating at him for a reason.
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it seems that no matter how hard i try to analyze him or find a fault in him, he turns around, says the perfect thing and makes it all better.
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Wow. Lefty is very hot.
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Looking Looking Looking for a Nice person to spend some time wit.