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You know, this is a really good point. I think its just difficult to try and just map people with a few first/second/third impressions since they tend to vary greatly with regards to their environment. Perhaps what's often best for us is that individual that brings out the best in us for all environments?
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I don't think she actually meant the way you look.
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To be more specific about why I dislike them:.
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A very rare, sexy and extreme example of a gorgeous gap is #23.
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OMG you're such an awesome mother. You sacrificed years for your kids, that's more than most moms can say. I say go out for it and re-discover your youth and your sexuality.
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.................................................. .
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I personally stay away from women who have many guy "friends". It's a sign of immaturity and generally a HUGE RED FLAG.
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Well I remember several threads on LS where male virgins were pretty much told that they're weird and very unattractive. It wasn't so much the sexual inexperience but the fact that many had no relationship experience and little dating experience.
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Yeah.. Thank god someone is thinking clearly in this thread. I think I would of caused more harm than good without hearing something that made sense.
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Thanks guys, yeah I have decided I am not going unless an exceptional circumstance involving other female friends convince me otherwise. Have another party/ events to go to that night so it is no loss.
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You: You gotta name, or is all you say "Yep.".
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looks like spanky left her in good shape..i'm next.
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All this means is that you are responsible for these choices and how they reflect upon the world and your fellow human beings. If you choose to proceed with the friend then you have accepted a world where it would be ok for a female friend of yours to sleep with him and take his love away from you. You would have to acknowledge this as a fine choice for a human being because you have already voted yes on it with your actions. Likewise he must now live in a world where it would be ok for a friend of his to come and take you away from him. Will the two of you do this to each other? I don't know. But if you have already consented to this world and could hardly be outraged as you have shown these to be valid actions and choices by taking them yourself.
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Looking for a cute friendly girl for companionship. I like down to earth girls and ones that are not too quiet. They are at least a little sexual too and hands on because honestly I like to f**k.
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I feel awful for him, I do. But I am way too passionate and expressive. I just don't think I can be as understanding as this kind of thing would obviously require.
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My thoughts are that 1) The 20% number is exaggerated and 2) even if it isn't, statistics are completely meaningless without context. There's nothing in the graph that proves that the declines in the other methods people use to meet their partners are a result of online dating being a better method. There are undoubtedly other factors at play here. Take work for example: the fact that fewer people are meeting at work then they were 40 years ago probably has a lot to do with the declines in male participation in the workforce, and that dating in the workplace has become less socially accepted because of sexual-harassment lawsuits, bands on workplace relationships, etc. Fewer people are meeting at church, because obviously in our increasingly secular society, fewer people are attending church in the first place. I see no evidence in this graph that online dating is making dating any better or easier.
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Originally Posted by newmoon.
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i am having some medical issues that i can't afford. if i had a normal boyfriend, i would tell him this but i feel i can't tell this to him because of how it would seem.
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Imo his text were a suggestion that he is open to accept your apologies. While he did dump you, you said you weren't ready to move in with him, you broke your promise and made life complicated for him and his friend, so it's entirely possible he thinks you owe him one and not the other way around. And frankly, I don't think he's wrong on that.
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I am 18 years old i am kind,trusting and loving perso.
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Everyone here is pretty much agreed your partner looks guilty and you should look into it. Your partner is the one who has the power to cheat on you again and again, not the girl. That's where your focus needs to be.
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love the chub on this one.
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Yes, carhill is married and his wife is three months older.