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| +1 |
nice cute hoh dressing room selfpic navel piercing.
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You are asking yourself to do an impossible thing, which is to "forget". So what you're asking of yourself will always leave you frustrated and feeling as if there is "unfinished business" -- you're essentially doing that to yourself.
| +1 |
She doesn't look THAT old. Certainly not any older than the slew of other 18+ hotties we have here. Those hips make her worthy, I think.
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So what do I do from here? I'm giving this a few days to chew over before I ask her out again. If she again is not receptive to me and doesn't want to kiss me I'm going to have to lay my cards on the table and tell her I don't want to play games and that I need to know she is romantically interested in me, otherwise she should give me the "let's be friends" speech.
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Well I am a single mom, I have never been married, I work at a drug and alcohol treatment center, I am hopeful that one day I'll get to have my chance at the real deal, I love to hang out with.
| +1 |
gap jean shorts camera.
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Thank you mr. random!
| +1 |
I think you have yourself all worked up over nothing.
| +1 |
"Had tried resist Lera again. I failed, she is a sexy temptress. One of the best on MR, massively recommended! Thanks dear.
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No I don't normally have sex randomly. It was done prematurely and I'm totally responsible for my own actions. He wasn't on business. He told me they were traveling on business from England. He is from England as well, now living in the US. He told me they asked him or she asked him to meet up while they were in Cleveland. So he did and apparently the husband wasn't able to make it. I didn't ask a ton of questions when this came up last week because frankly I didn't see it as my business. But now that he told me the husband didn't make it, it got me wondering.