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My boyfriend loves board games. I suggested a date at a local board game cafe and that was the night that the magic happened... We had so much fun together, it was just so obvious that we enjoyed each other's company and he was so kind and considerate in teaching me how to play..
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Nice. Love their bras.
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I also think it is a given that in the near future you are going to be awfully embarrassed as stuff like this seems to take a life of their own That text WILL get in the wrong hands eventually and you will be taken to task for it if not on social media, then in real life. If it is the latter, I sure hope your parents have your health insurance premiums paid up as they may need to use that insurance in the near future.
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Hi.im looking to get to know the right woman to have romance wit.
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Looking to meet new people. Love life and always staying in a happy mindse.
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Hi. first of all the girl who's gonna be with me .i'll make her like my queen and my only person .i believe in love and i believe that love dose not know what distance is.
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Holy spit! This girl is my ex! D:.
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Hi. I'm just a really simple girl. I'm only really interested in Hawaiian men but that's just m.
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There are better pics of this girl. Looks like there's something wrong with her teeth.
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Non judgmental no dram.
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Huh.. Odd. Mine are all fine by that standard oh well I guess..?
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She is stunning. One of my all time faves.
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Keep despite awful sunglasses, body is to sweet.
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I have had the pleasure of being with her thrice and each time was better then the last. She is amazing at what she does and has an awesome personality to match.
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So he likely assumed low interest. Likely he figured he'd slow down the responses so he didn't look too eager or only after sex. Then your response is to hold it against him for not responding to a text the same day and then be vague and rude in a response.
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Hi.My hobby is cooking,listening to musi.
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Hi.. My name is Tyann. I am a United States Marine. I work fixing aviation ground support equipment. I have about two weeks left in San Diego then I go to Okinawa for two years. I am really bad at.
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I'm a real good guy, highly educated, with a great sense of humor. I went through a painful divorce and am not ready for a LTR, but greatly miss the intimacy of spending time with a mature woman. .
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well, if you can't deal with it, why start a relationship to begin with??
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One of mine was that I couldn't wear open cardigans over other things like tanks or dresses. He also didn't want me wearing skirts or dresses to work. I also wasn't allowed to have friends - even with women. I also wasn't allowed to ask coworkers personal questions like where they came from.