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I'm not sure what to think. I think I wouldn't take much exception to using the terms "hanging out" if there was some affection. Touching, holding my hand, a hug, even if there was no kiss at the end of the first date. If there was some affection, "hanging out" wouldn't seem so "friend" or "buddy-ish." If he likes his sister, and they get along, I would think that would be a complement, meaning he's comfortable and enjoys you. But with no affection, you slip back to the question of buddy and friend. I would hope to have some more affection and a kiss by date number two.
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I get that some men may think that, 10 years down the road, I might feel that I have missed out on things in life. But I know I will not feel that way...how do I convey this without going over the top? My problem is that nobody gives me the opportunity to really get to know me and find out 'oh hey, she does have some depth and vision to her life after all.' It's almost like from now on, I have to blurt out my whole list of hopes and goals and experiences within the first 20 minutes of a first date, just so he will give me a shot! But that sounds CRAZY to me, who would do that and why should I have to? There is nothing out there that I feel I need to do. Like I said, I travel all over the country currently and am traveling to several countries including South Africa next summer for World Cup festivities. I couldn't ask for anything more! It's phenomenal but that is not what really holds a thrill for me in life. I want a family and I want a committed relationship. I do in fact have my head on straight and I know that I am going to be desiring the same things 5-10 years down the road. I cannot convey to you all how incredibly frustrating this is to me...to know exactly what you want and not be able to get it because of my AGE?!
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Hi, my interests include socialising when I get the time, meet new and unusual people - love having a good time but need to slow down on wor.
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I've tried jack and I don't think there is a way to narrow the search like that.
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Hey thanks for stopping by. I am looking for a serious relationship without drama. I like to hang out with friends, go to the movies, watch t.v., travel, sing, paint water color art, listen to music.
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I have plenty of spare time 👌.
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Thanks. I am scared of rejection. But I think I will have to do it if only so that I won't have to ask myself 'What if' down the line.
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Does anyone know of anymore like this on this site?
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3. If you're telling the truth and she can't/won't believe you there really isn't anything you can do but move on.
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yeah, i can't argue with that!
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I met a woman who was in town for the weekend (lives a few hours away) last night. Really hit it off (I thought, maybe I came on too strong though) I got her number, texted a few times today and she replied each time. Called me hunnie, asked about my day. Didn't respond when I asked about hers though. Should I just wait indefinitely? She was not the type of girl I meet often so I don't want to write her off so quickly.
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stunning! love the glasses.
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teenfapper flat tummy. flat chest.