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| +1 |
I don't think I can talk about tv shows on a date.
| +1 |
Seriously though, I have encountered the same thing again and again. Age is no indicator of maturity. And it absolutely is no sign of compatibility. I have several friends from various cultures across the world, and they have an interesting view on this very subject. It seems that the U.S. is one of the only countries that has a bias towards age differences. Egypt, Rwanda, Somalia, Syria, Jordan, India, France, Scotland, England, Wales, South Africa... they all have very accepting views of significant age differences. Why is the US, with one of the highest divorce rates in the world, so hung up on it?
| +1 |
But YOU see that she's having an issue, so start the conversation yourself.
| +1 |
hoodie brunette wall selfpic closeup fingers brown eyes mole.
| +1 |
Originally Posted by SweetNSourAries.
| +1 |
i love sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
| +1 |
Chauffer: $50.00/hour, .34/mile, 15% gratuity.
| +1 |
Can I go up to her and say-"Do you know CPR??
| +1 |
Praps shes just a bit crap at dating too, lol, sounds likethe ambitious intelligent type who might be more focused on a lot of cool career stuff to spend hours workin out the best dating strategies with her mates! In fact sounds like she might just be being herself...pretty unusual these days!
| +1 |
I'm a very sweet, caring, down to earth type of woman. I work full time. I do enjoy going out from time to time or I would even stay at home and watch a good movie. I love to cook and grill. I love.
| +1 |
I was wondering, is there a fine line between a pick up line and a funny joke?
| +1 |
What's funny is that I'll get hit on just doing ordinary every day stuff in the outside world.
| +1 |
were you wearing a mini-skirt or regular skirt?
| +1 |
Many thanks for a great session today with Mistress Ann.Her feet is soft like a baby and a nice apartment she have.She is a real mistress in Dubai.Thanks once again and really I will go to see mistress again.
| +1 |
Now she's a cutie. More please.
| +1 |
Leave your kids home.
| +1 |
Please help me... I'm obsessed with my boyfriend's ex.
| +1 |
Implants are just nasty.
| +1 |
lol, it's an expression that means dressing in a potato bag to hide body shapes.