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| +1 |
What do you mean by this:.
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You misunderstood he did not disappear on me, I am getting over someone else disappearing on me that is how I got into renovating my bathroom who led me to contact him.
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"Best girl enthusiastic and charming. Great time together.
| +1 |
hoh bandeau bikini camel toe mound ibt bracelets tummy zoom.
| +1 |
I agree girl! (y) (y).
| +1 |
cheerleaders rearview wind blowing up skirts blue purple in crowd.
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I don't know girls would intentionally rub against a guy like that then stop and walk away. Sounds a bit tarty to me. I always thought if a girl was interested in you she would be looking in your eyes and touching your face and talking to you as well?
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To the OP, if you want to stay with her then yeah snoop, you have that right.
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Am out going, friendly to be with, reliable, always willing and happy to listen to other.
| +1 |
Sorry, but if she isn't cheating on you now, she will be soon. Honestly, from what you've said and how she is reacting, something is NOT right. Listen to your gut, she's hiding something from you. It may not be sexual (yet) but it's definately emotional and she's protecting the friendship with that guy. Not a good sign.
| +1 |
Damn, but her breasts are perfect. Just beautiful.
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I know...imagine how uncomfortable it makes me to watch that with her sitting right next to me. I have the overwhelming urge to scream "bull****..lesbians don't sleep with men!! That woman is a repressed bisexual just like you are!!!".
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•The thing is...I always have to text her first which I don't like...She NEVER texts me until I text her - For example if I text her we will have a big long conversation but if I don't text her she doesn't text me and I don't know why a relationship can't be like that? Any advice? Thanks.
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wonderful shape to her hips/waist.
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So far in my life I've made the experience that I always regret the things I didn't do more than the things I did do.
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Hey, I'm 26, I'm on here because it is one more way just to meet new peopl.
| +1 |
You're young, and doing great for yourself. I say enjoy your life and do whatever YOU want to do. You've got plenty of time to turn more attention to the business and higher income generation, if you feel motivated to do that in the future.
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perfect combo, young with big boobs!
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Important parts bolded. Anyways, now that we got that covered.
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Oh my...perfect doesn't begin describing this lovely creature.