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Dude, it was one of the best (y) Please don't jinx it by commenting on it.
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downshot blue bikini rbb sunglasses smile bracelet hof baseball hat worn backward standing waist deep in pool.
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Fast forward, I found out after we took a trip and I dropped her back home at 11pm. She then calls some guy and says she just got back from her trip and with her "friends" and she had a good time and would love for him to come over and they can do something like that, it would be so much fun. Then another time, video chats with someone after he video messages her some video of him in the gym and says "You look good, I love your smile." He messages back that he just got wifi and was at the airport heading to Texas from NYC (we are in AZ). She didn't know I heard either of these. I didn't see the video but heard her say, "I just got a video from you in the gym..." I confronted her on these and she played dumb at first until I gave a more specific account. She then records and audio message via Facebook messenger claiming that's what it was and she has friends that are guys because she doesn't get along with many women. I told her she said VIDEO in the message I heard. Says that the guy going to Texas is a friend that's married and he's been friends for years. I never heard about this guy, she never mentioned him, she tried to act like she didn't know what I was talking about when it happened 2 days before I confronted her (the one mentioning our trip was 5 days prior). Then I do something that I never do, I ask to see her phone and hand her mine because I had nothing to hide and if she has nothing to hide she can show me. She refuses to take my phone and claims I would have erased anything. She did that likely because if she took mine, I can look at hers. I said there's nothing more to talk about then and ended it.
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peep toe gorgeous legs.
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A pathelogical liar is soooo good, that he will make you feel like you're the one with a problem--like you are ridiculous for feeling the way you do. You did the right thing--you're much better off without a liar by your side that has an on-going relationship with another woman. There are wonderful men out there; you will find one that will cherish you and one that doesn't need another woman in his life. Not all men lie---when you find Mr. Right you'll know how miserable you were with this liar. That long walk in the rain baptised you into a new life. Keep busy, have a facial and a bubble bath every day! Mr. Right is just around the corner!
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Your boyfriend is being unreasonable and a bit selfish in my book. He should support you instead of making you feel guilty for being a devoted young teacher. He should also understand you are now building your portfolio (for lack of better word) and as the years go by you'll have already prepared material and more time for him.
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Not much I can say about myself but that I love to talk and wor.
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Hello🌹🌹 I have been divorced since July 200.
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Serious intent..No games, no drama, honest, faithful, selfless, playful, positive, grateful, humble, grounded, spiritual, artistic, trustworthy, monogamous, sensitive, loyal, encouraging.
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oh this girl is hot i want to see alot more of her!!
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FWIW - I know people in higher risk activities like swingers and many I know regularly get tested and share the test results with others and their primary partner. it doesn't mean anything will come back. I see it as wanting to protect your own health since not all STIs are curable.
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Debilitating jealousy, opposite sex friendship that is too close for comfort, emotional affair, physical affair or freedom to choose one's friends? Take your pick... all i know is that i was depressed and engulfed by darkness, i allowed my emotions to overpower me. Perhaps you should hear her side of the story before condemning her. It will always be her word against mine, no?
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Still one of my favs!
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To me, love is WAY more special, hard to find, and something to cherish over sex. Sex can be cheap. Sex can be shallow. Sex can be just about a physical experience.
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This is the final time I try internet dating. Third time lucky I hope. I am sincere and loyal if a bit shy. Kind, honest and caring. As you can see from my interests, I'm a massive car junkie who.
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threesome backknot heart pendant rbb leela ibt lake trees.
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and this is where you yell at me for being honest".
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I'm hoping it dies down. At the end of the month I'm moving an hour away for work. We are going to stay together. I'm actually moving close to the laboratory he works at and he plans on staying over and such but we will bother be busy so maybe that will keep things in check?
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man...bunch of creepy guys hanging out together and the women who love them...next springer.
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Idk what to say if you're interested send me.a messag.
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I'm a down to earth Louisiana Montanan. I love nature and fitness..I'm not a muscle head, but I value wellness and health. I'm looking for a friendship that can lead to more. I have 2.
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A great girl and for sure will repeat - treat her well guys.