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Have you heard of the concept of "friends with benefits"?
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sweet girl, nice ass and body too.
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love to see that skirt from behind. No way it covers her ass.
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once again stunning face and great cleavage, beautiful breasts.
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I've fallen for my friend. It's that simple. We've been friends for up to a year now and we've always had a good bond. I've really enjoyed the time we have spent together, but out of nowhere the feelings have hit me. I'm thinking straight, I have never been so sure of my feelings before.
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LOL at horny toad!! Thats damn funny!!
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My boyfriend of 2 years watches porn,yes some people think its fine but I dont and I told him this. And I believe if he truly loves me he would respect me and try not to look/watch porn. What do you think? And do ALL men watch porn?
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One of my sisters is in her 50s and her husband is in his 30s. They've been together for years, he seems totally crazy about her, and he's a really great guy - fun, smart, loving, independently wealthy, and he totally dotes on her and her daughter. They've brought property in the country and are planning their dream house. I think they'll be together for life.
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Hey jack can i get a upload analysis plz?
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But I agree it's the perfect playground for the type.
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Not much of a talkative lo.
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It's this "equal attractiveness" thing that's one of the stickier parts here - I find (sorry) that men (not ALL men, but many) tend to be a lot more forgiving of what constitutes a "good-looking man" v. what constitutes a "good-looking woman.".
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dump, getting fat, hips and thighs already to big for a girl her age.
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Why hold back on this guy when you told the losers that you love them? How is that fair? I don't know if this guy will burn you or not, but it seems more likely you're going to burn him. You sound like a girl who isn't really attracted to a guy, but he's hanging around so what the heck.
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Yes, it's wrong. You're already crossing the line. Your husband is most certainly not your best friend if you treat him this way. Stop playing footsy with this other man and decide if you really still want to be married or not.
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Used to be the cover girl for a porn site. I think she might be 18 but she doesnt look like it.
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I’m just looking for someone to smas.
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By letting him know exactly how deeply uncomfortable it makes you and why.
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I love this pic so much!
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I am very warm and understanding (non-judgemental). I like to have fun and see others smile. I have been singled for a long time. I just have not been able to find that special woman; and when I do.
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that was random and for no reason but he did.....so it seems good to me.
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I have the same thought as you maybe to early? My gut feel is that there is something there i know time will tell though anyway any suggestions on what I should say besides asking about her week and any normal conversation and such? Should I bring up the # topic? Or leave it alone for a couple of weeks? Maybe say something like i realize that you recently ended your relationship but i also wanted to let you know that i would like to get to know you outside of this place? Or something along those lines.
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The point is, you need to stop giving a flying fyck about this woman. She's got her own agenda going on (probably trying to boost her own ego), and it's got nothing to do with you, your best interests, or the idea of a healthy relationship between you and her.