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Read every single post on being a balanced guy.
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8. Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).
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love lefty's tiny waist and cute face. very hot.
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The only difference between me and the OP was she was married at the time and I wasn't. You seem to think that it's the married part that can overcome the impairment abilities of booze - I don't - booze is booze and it has it's effect - marital status doesn't change that. I learned the effect of booze on me when I was single, unfortunately this poster appears to have learned the effect of booze on her while married. She also learned her friend is not really her friend.
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I hope you like her and want to continue seeing her.
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Now I know why women all want to go to the bathroom together...That's where the action is!
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Explain Sarah Jessica Parker to me then. She is fit, works out but I don't find her attractive.
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A Cool Fun Foodie!! my Skype is kenny bor.
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You are talking about creating a numerically level playing field. I'm willing to bet that in this OP's case, this would not create an emotionally level playing field.
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i was a black man, long before i was a fat ma.
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Notta whole god-damn ****in' lot, other than finding a way to get higher up than usual and just bein' myself, no one els.
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Be more honorable next time you date somebody.
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lefty is perfection! ahhh omg!
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I talked to her about 3 weeks ago asking her what was up, why things had changed, why was there no physical affection? Why did she not initiate anything that would be considered something that is done in a relationship? She said she didnt know and she needed to think about it.
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Yes blob1939 - I know you have talked about this once before. But it is different if you put it as clearly and succinctly as I stated.
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I did not say anything about the meetings with Brianna, but I said it was timely right now. I see her weekly or twice a week, I do not know how she managed to make me want so much to see her. It is fun and always with the smile on the lips, the elegance and the perfect attitude is pleasant to everyone. She is my girlfriend, the perfect woman for irreplaceable sex and my confidentiality at the same time. about her body with attractive shapes I can not tell how bad I am about her breasts, oh My God the ass is my special part, it's great and I love it. Brianna for me is the perfect package of femininity, adventure, crazy sex and friendship. thank you for all the moments spent together, kissing you ... you know.
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whytowl....go to FAQ's on main page and then first paragraph and follow instructions to contact ADMIN.
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Anybody gonna mention that she's got a nip poking through?
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You are an active member here at LS, you know the answer to that.
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A sweet and lovely mismatched bikini beauty with a super gorgeous body!