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You have no idea what her past sexual experience is. This seems like a topic worth having - what she wants, what her and your expectations are, and how to maneuver around your living arrangements. I can certainly expect no sex in the hotel when you were barely a month into the relationship, but you're at a place now where this is going to become an issue. It would be nice to have some guidelines, and I don't mean DETAIL about her or your sexual history, but you have no idea if she's ever had sex at all or what she's thinking.
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All these girls and my attention keeps going to the girl in the top right corner.
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I grew up in a small-ish town where everyone pretty much knew everyone else and the dating scene was kinda incestuous. You could never escaper your exes, it was crap. I will never go back again.
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Originally Posted by gogaff.
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like to see the 2 girls in the background ,but these to are sexy.
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look it's young Paris Hilton! XD.
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She needs love, she needs to be loved. This girl has been growing up without her parents, she lived with her grandparents until she was put into the foster care last year. There are many more things about her life, but I think it's not good to say... She always thanked me and told me that I was the only person who care about her, and I made her a better person... I know I did ... By the way She made me be a better person as well, she made me want to help her and help other people when they are in troubles. I feel good helping her and whenever I knew that she felt happy, I was happy too. It was like I wanted nothing from her but to see that she gets better ... She was here helping me when I was down too, but I am a kind of person who keeps their feelings. I didn't say much when I was depressed. But I get depressed lot of times as well, well, I guess everyone is like this. But whenever I got down, she was here to pick me up too .
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I'm not saying that there is nothing going on between your gf and her co worker but you are going to drive yourself crazy if you don't stop.
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I'm guessing the chats have become somewhat sexual, which speeds up things as well in terms of expectations.
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i hope it was worth the read...for you.....deb.