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I like a man who is a big cuddly bear. Like, if I'm reading a book in bed and he nuzzles in and wants to snuggle, lol.
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Is it possible she says she doesn't want a full blown relationship to save face after you rejected her as a GF?
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She's cute and wearing a schoolgirl uniform. Some people are into that ;).
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bisexual. recently separated. needin some female interactio.
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-Asked the friend do I give up on her then? His advice was "No put her on the back burner." Stop contacting her and wait for her to contact me.
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twosome bathroom mirror flash camera blurry white short shorts lightswitch towel rack zebra.
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However, you have to realize something important about the science of attraction.
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nice girl looking for a nice guy, but don't have much tim.
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Hoh forehead longhair mismatch. Fantastic bod on this babe! (y).
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Second you are communicating your intentions (this will help you avoid the friends zone).
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I've been out with some women who felt complelled to contribute but it didn't work out for other reasons. I've been out with others who turned into self serving leaches.
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Lately I've been feeling like I'm just "netflix and chilling" at his place. This past sunday he invited me over to watch football with his friends since he just got back from vacation with his friends. It was fine but he whole time he was so into his fantasy football league.
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Good well educated . Need a friend to heal my pain.
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i have the same fear and loathing poster.
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I'm working that day. Valentines day is a very Hallmark and commercial holiday but there is something romantic about it being able to be celebrated with someone you love. Maybe next year.
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Those eyes! That hair! That LOOK!!! WOW!
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I have the same problem. I am very jealous of my gf. She is very beautiful. I dont even like other guys to look at her. I will mean-mug them. I also do not allow her to talk to any ex's. My thing is if she has been sexually active with any guy before me she cannot talk to. Guys know when they see a female they have been with you dont forget what you have done with them. I told her I dont even want to be where they are. I want to get over my jealousys. But it is hard though.
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However, you have basically talked yourself out of standing up for yourself and allowed her behaviors to be the can that gets kicked down the road. You continually make excuses for her when you are dispensed solid advice. So now it's on to "different personalities".