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| +1 |
hot ass playground bait.
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man i miss summer already.
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We don't "get upset". If someone uploads tons of doops, we ask them to look elsewhere for their pics. I don't think that's too much to ask.
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The OP posted a scenario, basically said "I find this creepy, do you?" and the majority of the people who read it responded "yes!" The OP didn't ask for a psychological analysis of her boyfriend or an evolutionary justification for his behaviour. She posted on a relationship forum and asked for opinions. Judgements, if you will.
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The worst part is I attended university earlier this year but found myself terrified of attending lectures alone and subsequently missed a fair few. I ended up dropping out mainly due to being unhappy with my course (but my fear in meeting people played a part in it too, I just didn't tell anyone that!).
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cute and thin ....sexy ....alittle ond tho.
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The ex moved overseas a few months ago. This ties back with my partner going to lunch with her and then telling me afterwards 'so I wouldn't get angry' even though he knew I would.
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If you really want to sex her though (and that's what she's looking for), go ahead. Just don't come crying here after you've fallen for her and she does the same to you that she's doing to her current BF.
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Your path is really quite simple and it is a direct path.
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Very cute, perfect example of jb.
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thats a quarter she has in her pocket, on heads .
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And furthermore.... hot girls get the most attention because men are often not smart enough to do the math and see the long term gains of dating the average girl.
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I bet that crustacean wants to give her a good pinch or two.
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I can turn this around to men. I see plenty pursuing the slender sexy gal who always dresses in short skirts and heels, spends too much time in the beauty parlor, etc. Yet these guys wonder why "all women are psychos" or "all women are lying whores". The answer is they only pursue one type of woman and thus picked the type that ends up generally as shallow, spoiled, psycho, deceiving, etc.
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I am outgoing, friendly, and am devoted to my family and friend.
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wow ur slow.. only took 2 days 2 reply.. hahaha welcome man enjoy :D.
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Users that have reuploaded their own rejected pics and the date the pic was uploaded the first time (read the FAQ):gabibronx (7/14).
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Your goal is to not put too much head space to her behavior. I think, for myself, I would give it a couple more weeks for her busy school schedule to subside (papers turned in, exams completed), and if she's still too busy and still blows you off after that, let it go. In the meantime, you need to not invest too much head-space on her. Let nature take it's course. It's hard not to worry and not obsess. I am presently smack dab in the middle of this one, and we fret so much.
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yeah his ego is all tied up in this. he needs to deal with that without putting her down and making her out to be bad and a whore.
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If the OP is upset about it....she needs to confront him.
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I am a single mom ready to meet a good man to add to our already full and loving life! I have my MBA and my undergrad is from the University of Arizona in Women Studies. I just came back to Tucson.