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Finally, you say you want a long life with one man, yet you are at the beginning of adult life and he is moving into the final stretch. He has a few average to poor years left in him(61-67) and possibly 10-15 years of old age(with all the inherent medical problems people 70+ face).
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I actually joined a group like that (not from meetup.com) but gym/workout group that is VERY social. Most of the people there though are mid 30's and older though, I think only one other person my age and he is a few years older than me. I just have always had trouble getting past the acquitance part of talking to people when I am able to (college for instance, I had plenty of peopel to talk to during classes but never talked to them outside that class).
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After 40 years of teaching, it's time to go out and play. LIFE...gives us lots of twists and turns..still hopeful the best is yet to come. <.
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I know I'm going to get criticized and flamed, but I'm at my wit's end. I'm not a paranoid person, either, and I'm really not jealous, but I cannot handle the fact that I would be marrying someone next year who constantly flirts/hooks up with other women. I want to marry someone who is respectful to me and respectful of my wishes.
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In fact, I think an SO should be encouraged that all these women wanted to maintain a connection after we broke up. It means I probably was not an ass to them even during the breakup. It bodes well for how I am likely to treat her.
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GoldenR I don't understand how I am self destructing. And also I am not destroying another family. He needs to take responsibility for his actions he is a grown adult. I am not responsible for his actions. Why make me feel guilty for his family? I know nothing of their situation.
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DAMN. Perfect body and a cute face to boot.
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Hi. Thanks for your answer. I am totally upfront in my profile about being divorced. Was only married a couple of years, no kids. Am 31.
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Who will care me , who will waiting for me , who will make dreams with m.
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Really? what do you mean? so how do i put it across to her? Sometimes, everything is going well, and she just has to say something like you're just being you. You're just an idiot. that sort. ****. im really sick of that crap.
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brunette downshot flipflops sitting reclining asphalt or concrete ? floral sweatshirt shorts lookup headtilt.
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hairband floral towel.
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LOL....Yeah, I was going to tell her I didn't feel any chemistry or "The Spark"! I would never be that mean and say something like that to her!
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Perhaps not obviously, I.
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very pretty girl - some great uploads today.
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ya, glad it did. the tongue was cool but this is massive improvement.
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Yep got this one tummyfan, love the definition on her tummy, real cutie.
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Are all guys ike this coz I am getting married next month and now I am skeptical by how the other MM act around this gorgeous young woman. If it's just simple innocent flirting... why are they planning a get-together?
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Which brings up the question: can people really blame men for looking at pua forums or books? I mean surely something of value can be found in them, not necessarily to try to hook up with a bunch of women but to use those techniques to try to attract a woman to date.
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What do you mean it's "gotten physical"??
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I am someone who respect the value of life and wishes to enjoy each day as it comes. Want balance in life and a partner to share the future. Enjoy most things and prepared to always try something.
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iteach - no question she is amazing. anybody would have to like her.