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No, it isn't a matter of money. He just doesn't have the natural inclination to push himself any further in his career. Personally, I think that is fine as long as he is happy, but she doesn't get it because she is super ambitious.
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"There is a big difference in looking at women at the beach etc. and going to a place to pay a woman to grind on you. Women at the beach don't come up to your So, get nude or in a g-string, grind on them, put breasts in their face, and put 'other' things in their face. That's not fantasy. That's a real live woman doing things to you. ".
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Is this becoming a thing now? Did I miss something in the past week or few years? When did agreeing to be exclusive become "not together"?
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tummyfan - this is more how skinny i like them :).
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sexy body, gorgeous face, hot legs.
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Personally I don't see why you couldn't just go in and say with a smile "hey, y'know, I was kind of kicking myself that I didn't just get your number yesterday, you wanna go ?".
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but she was calling me.
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Users that have reuploaded their own rejected pics and the date the pic was uploaded the first time (read the FAQ):area51 (4/15).
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I'm not so good at doing that lol, but I guess I can give it a try, I'm a very kind hearted, open book, laid back, very warmth, damm romantic, friendly, a good listener, generous,GOD fearing.
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The moment you start texting people what they should've or shouldn't have done, it starts to come across as entitled and achieves nothing. They will be simply glad they were not upfront with you and it reaffirms that they were right to try and slip away.
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3. What actors you find attractive?
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pittsburgh pirates baseball cap midriff denim shorts belt hoh.
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I realize she is a girl and you like her but that doesn’t mean you need to act differently then the way you do around every one else. Do you look for signs that your friends like you before you invite them to do something fun? Of course you don’t, you’ve learned from experience and it’s all very natural. You’re a teenager so I guess it’s natural that you are making things more awkward then they should be. Stop worrying so much and talking to her friends about the situation. It’s just unnecessarily painful. If you like her and you think a date with her would be fun then just ask her out. If she hasn’t told you to “go away” or anything like that then that is your sign. If she says “no” and leaves you with no hope then that is your sign.
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Wow a really hot 2009 pic I have never seen before, makes me wonder (Hope) how many more there are for me to still run across.
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The betrayal is done. To what degree matters little, it's happened.
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I may be the only one, but I miss the rating 1-5 capability and the averages. I am a #'s and figures guy.
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wow theyre both incredible!
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ginger black bra red panties.
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Special thanks to hb1305, who requested to see "more of that rear view". That's why I ULed this one, and it got her her 3rd HP!
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one on rail - skinny and flat - so hot.
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After looking high and low I finally met someone who is so wonderful and so perfect.. I am taken by a great guy who is smart and talented. I will be accepting friends but thats it. sorry,.
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she is usually with a friend or sumthing so it makes it really hard to talk to her and when she is alone i just cant get myself to do it....most girls iv met and gone out with is because i knew them threw someone else or got to know them in class, but even then most of them asked me out, i guess it makes it hard because i havent gone out with a gurl in like 5-6 years now....and even if i did approach her i cant think of anything to say to her, i'd just be stuttering the whole time..
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How I project myself is my choice. I either make myself open to opportunity or I close it down.