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I'm gonna go ahead and say, America!!!
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What I can admit though is that I missed the part where he didn't actually tell her about the past. I was going off the false impression that he told her and SHE said the past is the past.
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could be either.......its hard to contact someone when you have been out of contact for a while...trust me i know i normally say something really goofy.....and then worry until they reply........stoic men will throw off hand comments into phone calls or texts to try and appear to be ..well....lol...offhand and not invested in your reply...smilin....i am on the surface a stoic female.....but then ...paranoia gets the better of me..i have a feeling because of the unrelated sentence it is a stoic guys way of saying hey miss ya please reply i do actually want you to reply.......never say that to him....lol.....let him have his stoicness....
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flamingo brick wall daisy dukes blue shrit.
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Cool, laid back. love live music. I work for MyEcon. We are extremely pleased to be in the position to help "ONE MORE" person achieve financial Success for themselves and their families, while also.
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i will upload more of righty :).
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Constantly doing it especially in front of an SO or to that person's exclusion is different but a fleeting glance or an off-handed compliment is well within bounds, IMO.
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Pretty blonde, really hot face but crunched up nose!
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I like this man; he sounds like me.
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well from my experiences...I've tried dating 2 asian dudes and neither one of the situations worked out. Both of the guys got really ethnocentric on me, and pretty much just wanted to hang out with asian people only after a while.
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twosome arm on shoulder rearview mismatched bikini bootybait frilly frills ruffles pony tail waves beach.
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Hi!! Usually Happy,but sometimes I wish I had a sweet woman to share my life with ;;;and a warm shoulder to lead against. Would love to find someone special to share a treasured friendship .If you.
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In an ideal world, she and she alone would squelch the guy's advances, but in an ideal world, you wouldn't be married to someone who even has Facebook.
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About me...ok uhhhhhh I'm a guy so there's that bit of captain obvious information. I kinda.
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I'm aware I still have work to go (I can't stop staring at my chin haha) but I went to the beach the other day and for the very first time I took my shirt off and didn't feel embarrassed.
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Bah, forgot you gotta wait 24hours to see them. Last 5 that I put up too.
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I live in Virginia Beach, I just moved out here and am lookin to meet some new people. I don't really know anyone out here so I dont get out too much (don't wanna go out alone), but I'd love to get.
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All my bf's , appart from the ex were full on with texting n attention but thatbwas their character nothing else.
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What is under lefty's lefty?