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Go find someone who has a little more respect for the person who should be their number one... she clearly doesn't know the meaning of the word..
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Odds are a woman isn't going to fall for a man like which men commonly do. So hoping she'll come around eventually is foolish.
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I'm not sure whether I chose to be single. I haven't met anyone that I can be in a relationship with.
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If you are being beaten by your man, you shouldn't just say "life isn't fair" or if you are working, raising your kids, cleaning, doing the bills, etc etc all alone (without support of your man) you also shouldn't say life isn't fair and continue as normal.
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No...no...no... You don't get to play the victim here. That guy did not hold a gun to your head. You could have removed yourself from that situation. You had all the power to say "no" and more than likely, he would have stopped. Because if he didn't, all you have to do is call the cops. In this day and age, a BJ isn't worth going to prison for the next 5 to 10 years and to have to register as a sex offender. A list he would never get himself off of and destroy his life.
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I've gone over your other threads, OP and it certainly doesn't seem like you trust this woman, at all. You say otherwise in your posts but you have multiple threads up about the same woman and they all revolve around her behaviors that you have an issue with. So, I suggest that you do things here:.
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wordsshirt i dont need you i have wifi dock pwh barefoor midriff.
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Now that is perfection!
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Skimpy snow bunny! Love her!
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Admins, this is Pia Muehlenbeck. She is not a teen, neither was she a teen at the time this was taken.
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I am a hard worker and love to get out in my free time and enjoy life. Some of my interests are live music, trips to the beach, and dinner with drink.
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Date, Very Jovial, Easy Going,Honest, Fun-Loving, Humourous.
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A key element of LBJ's leadership was this famous "Johnson treatment," in which he would hypothetically "pop one's bubble" to demand their attention. No president has been so celebrated for his powers of persuasion in face-to-face confrontations than Lyndon Johnson has.
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If they really are just friends, your wife should be fine with you going, as long as you aren't being a jerk about it or making it uncomfortable because he's there.
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If any girl who are live around Austin they can message me on 703419997.
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As a chef, you can imagine the myrid of things that could happen. If he's like me, he (and I dare say most guys) has experienced the wrath of a female given a specific committment to do something at a specific time, and then he been unable to follow through.
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I am not necessarily saying you did anything wrong here but it might be worthwhile to have that talk to ask him if he has any issues with one on one dinners, movies etc with your single male friends. Also, as the relationship progresses be prepared for other things that change both for a closer R with him and with your single friends.
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Although retired, I still enjoy most activities. My yard is enjoyed in the summer and in the winter I probably annoy just about everyone by visiting, music is enjoyed, and going to any place new is.
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Glad to hear that Butcherbill! She is awesome!
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I figured out how to retrieve my pass word from firefox. thanks for the input.
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Hi.im am in a open marriage meaning i can see other people and hubby know and is okay with it, i am also really into shooting guns or bow,love to get dirt.
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sweetie gets the news i'm running late to get to the party by the lake :p.
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While I'm sure you were and still are hurt by what you saw, I think you should try not to blow this out of proportion. Your boyfriend did NOT plan this, and he resisted this woman's advances at first -- as you yourself witnessed. So it's silly to imagine that "they" were "thinking you were dumb.".
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I am a contractor that works in a construction company,I have been a widow year back,I like going to the park,the zoo,the movies as well as the beach,They are so wonderful.No one can bring me so much.