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Honestly I want to make the most out of two months here in Montana, not exactly sure what I'm looking for but maybe to write someone from Basic Training in Fort Benning Georgi.
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tummy, glad to see you. Ever find any skinny Emo girl pics?
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She has two soles one on the bottom of each foot.
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I have too many interests to list. It's hard to quantify. I'm only 52 and haven't tried.
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love lefty's expression.
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A perfect example of how cute trumps sexy.
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yep, she will always have a place in my heart, too. :).
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dude dont overdo it. it seems like ur constantly talking to her through texting. stop texting her for a couple days. give her some space. its ur neediness and wanting to talk that is probably driving her away. ive done this numerous times and believe me if you ignore talking to her for a couple days she'll wonder why.
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Anyways, how do I respond to this guy. I was really looking forward to spending time with him even though I have recently come out of a 5 year relationship and would not jump into anything hastily.
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Nice.Love the legs (y).
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Beautiful blonde. Nice little skirt. Great legs.
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I'm working and studyin.
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Something you all may enjoy from a book I am currently reading:.
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In the past week and a half, in an effort to meet some new people (given that I have been feeling really housebound, and have limited options meeting new people until I start Uni in July), I spontaneously decided to reactivate my okcupid account and open a plentyof fish account.
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I'm told by quite a few that I am fun to hang out with, yet on the flip side, I am attentive and can be serious when need be. I am spiritually adventurous, love to explore the ocean and interact with.
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pretty girl silly tongue.
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Ifmthere is no agreement to exclusivity it's different.
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...a DIRECT answer such as "I don't mind the age difference, I like you, be my boyfriend"?
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That I am a caring person - I tend to want to give than than to receiv.
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Yeah Sanskrit, My thoughts exactly. While he was gushing all the compliments, i was kind of thinking, 'do you think i am that stupid to believe it?", or "are you that naive, that you actually believe it?", or "are you trying to speed through the getting acquainted so you can get to the sex?" None of these things are good. And to think he is 29yrs old, much older then I would have previously given a chance.
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She has such a slender torso. Gotta love it.
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Anything to get out of the hous.