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wowzers (y) she is raddd :).
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fact of the matter is, i know he's still interested in her... and despite all the crap he's pulled in the past, she, God knows why, still cares about him. i really hate being in this sitatuation, because im going to seem like the bad guy, because she might think i come off as 1) possessive, paranoid, and jealous, which im not (most of her friends are guys, and i dont mind that she hangs with them at all - its just, i dont think a girl who's attached has any business staying over at a guy friend's place, especially if its planned out like this), and 2) that i dont want her friendship with her ex to work at all, even tho i REALLY wish they were truly just friends so that i dont have to worry about it anymore.
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You get bored easy, it's the issues within you. Not them.
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Yes, but what a nice tiny body on her (4).
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tummyfan - hell yes! she's amazing, shame can't see more of her face, possibly v pretty.
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brunette longhair cocked teeth selfpic pink tank midriff white jeans hos cute outdoor trees shrubs grass midteen - yc4m-fav!
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Jcster: I should have been more clear on what I meant with the career comment. She is going to be joining the Air Force but in order to do that we need to be married because we both have children from previous marriages. Now before you pull out the flamethrower on that comment let me elaborate. The talk of marriage proceeded the talk of the AF. We have been talking marriage for a few months now and recently we started talking about the AF. So in a way the stability in our relationship does affect the career. I do understand what you are saying about separating love and career. I guess I should have been more specific.
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I am a great guy looking for a woman for a good tim.
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Don't worry hun they are still growing!
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fuchsia bicycle malibu peace blue shorts navel piercing peace lookaway 2car garage yukon .
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as amusing as that is, that's really no help to me. i can't date a woman that's creepy either. so i can honestly empathize how these women feel. i appreciate u trying to cheer me up tho.
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No, this makes her wonder how many women you've said that to. You need to say something that sounds like it's only to HER.
| +1 |
she is so very pretty.