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Aznchick it is true, sad but true that many non asian females have that stereotypical image implanted in their cerebral cortexes. But change must start from a seed in the ground before it can blossom its fruits.
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one of my first ever favs.
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I enjoy nights out and evenings in with wine and good compan.
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this one is smoking hot.
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Naw, don't give him the time of day. What could he possibly say/lie about that would invalidate what you already know?
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no response from her online.
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A lot of women engage in casual sex, not because they really want to, but because they're trying to be equal to men. They think, "If men can enjoy casual sex, why can't women?".
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And maybe im being an idiot but I just feel like a stranger.And as nice as they are to me im sure they'd rather he was with her.
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Honey, if anyone tells me they have all the answers and knows "the truth" it only makes them look foolish, because we all know that is not the case.
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Hi.I'm a widow and have been for about three years I have two kids that are my world would love to start living life again with a special someone I love quite time and long walks on the beach at sun.
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Gives new meaning to the phrase "...you've been benched...".
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I have a male friend, his brother recently added me as a friend on Facebook. I found it rather odd that he was "friends" with just about every women on tinder. The guy is a known man hoe, womanizer and in general your typical gym rat. It's fairly clear what is going on. I don't particularly care that women go after him, that's their business.. I just won't touch them after they have touched him. I could say more disparaging things about him, like he was accused of taking advantage of a woman.
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enjoy traveling the world and play piano and used to jam a lot years ago love music and concerts and dancing and board games most all sports and movies plays etc..u name it. sense of humor and.
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If the message sounds very "cut and paste" then I wouldn't reply personally! I think it needs to link in to something you spoke about with the date. For example I received a message inviting me to a coffee shop I mentioned I liked.
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there is another thread going that was started this morning on this very subject.. sort of.
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Hi..Widowed 3 years after 40+ years married. I am looking for a male who is genuine and not a scammer. I have had my fill of them!!! I reply to all messages with a photo who live in Scotland. I like.
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When I do go in , I want her to give me access to her accounts on the spot (no walking out the room BS) .
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This curious, one of a kind ca.
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now that's a motherfucking bod.
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A variety of toys, books, and snacks, a bottle or snack during take-off and landing to prevent ear pain, and a few walks up and down the aisle and you are good to go.
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Oh I'm not asking for help, I just had a random question come to my mind.
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Or is this a new one? I'm starting to see a pattern.
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Exquisite...absolutely exquisite!
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down to earth easy going kinda girl, not a girly girly per say, I like to get my hands dirty with gardening, or even working on my car. a lot of my friends say I'm very likeable lol. I'm not 420.
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stilly totally hawt keeper bait.