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I'm a gentle, humorous, smart, understanding man. love reading, watching movie, listening to music, going to the beach. sometimes, i'd like to make some tea for myself. hope you are gentle girl with.
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2.I have worked hard to change my looks for him... (losing weight) so now he doesn't need to look at porn women because I look better then the women in porn.
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WHO CARES? dammmm hot.
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Basically the stripper gave him a couple of hickies, let him grab her ass and suck her nipples maybe she jerked him off and she took him for about 400 bucks. That's what strippers do. If I had a dollar for every time one of the strippers I dated pulled that act on one of the fools that toss away their money I'd own a club. lol.
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I am laid back guy that has established myself well so far in life except for finding that special someone to share my life with.I have a good job and am about to finish a degree in college so no.
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I noticed a lot of photos are just blacked out. Are the links permanently broke or are you working on fixing them?
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Hi..am Nice looking handsome man looking for my soulmate here so if you wants to talk to me then you can message m.
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He was an adorable alcoholic and wannable writer. I'm sure he struggles in his own way. But I firmly believe that if a guy really wants to see a woman he schedules a date.
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Hi everybody. I have a three year old son and I love to take him fishing and swimming. I enjoy hunting and camping. Some other things I like to spend my time doing is trying new foods and cooking.
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How did i not see her before.
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Hi. name is lyle, yes im gay, single nd looking, so hook me up dudes.
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wow is she hot! and what a zoom. Perfection!!!
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Maybe not the best picture, but this girl is absolutely beautiful. A cute face never to forget (y).
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Last thing I would add, would be the obvious clingy girls who call constantly.
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The statistics are staggering enough to say that the vast majority of men and a significant number of women are into porn. Porn is here to stay and its not going away. There's nothing worng with porn.
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wow that butt looks nice.
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There's plenty of fine young women all around you, yet you obsess over a slut who's far away?
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i think it really depends on how your man treats you. obviously all men are going to look at other women and find them attractive. as long as they dont belittle you in front of other women to make it appear as though they are with you but would rather not be, then i think any problem you have is within yourself.
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I feel like this is kind of a "When Harry Met Sally" situation where one of us or the other is always going to be thinking about sex now that it's kind of out of the bag.
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striped strapless bikini twosome pool boat boats.