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Gotta post some pics if you want any bites.
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The zoom is outstanding.
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Why do I feel so guilty about this though?
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Sorry it didn't work out . Next time, only kissing (on the mouth) on the first date .
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She walked me to the corner and gave me a hug. I gave her a kiss on the cheek (she had said during the date that she likes to take it slow.).
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If you're interested in him, why don't you just send him a text, or better yet give him a call to let him know that?
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Only thing of my concern at this point then is that I may run out of "romantic ideas" that spark our relationship.
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never seen a cherry 7up before.
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If you know she is not completely over her ex than it will never work out as far as being bf/gf goes. Wait for her to get over her ex before trying to push things to the next level. She will not/can not devote 100% to you if she still has feelings for her ex and that leaves you in a situation where you are giving 100% and she is not... either remain friends and see what happens down the road, or move on.
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I see wealth coming to people who don't necessarily DO anything to get it, yet they expect it. They some how think that they are better than others. We have all seen people get wealthy(ier) by stealing another person's pension as well.
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Some people have a few broken hearts and failed relationships behind them- what are they supposed to do? Never sleep with anyone ever again becasue it might be looked upon as one too many?!
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For you armpit fans,you'll like this girl!
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A man turning down an invitation in is also a sign of disinterest.
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Nothing to say that hasn't been said. Agree with everyone except the 7 dumps.
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splits flexible braces asian floral bikini grass smile garage garbage.
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Well, I said you might as well be her gay friend.
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Maybe you just need some kind of.
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I am looking for a good woman that is seeking a nice guy for a relationshi.
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All kinds of awesome!
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I think I already know the answer I guess I'm just trying to gauge opinions.
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I am married to an older woman and unless they have become embittered manhaters older women are just more mature and don't come with the crap younger women come with. They like a level of space and the right to their own life so they respect your right to it. They are great in bed and a delight to be around.
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And with an attitude like that, I hope your gf leaves you.