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Love that hot little body.
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Originally Posted by seth79.
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brunette hoh pink frontknot ruffled ruffles bikini jeanshorts daisy dukes bangles bracelets lookaway birch trees grass nailpolish.
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I had to practially kick him out of the house the next morning to go to college because he kept telling me he didnt want to leave. He called me that night (thurs) to see how I was and to ask if I was hanging around for the weekend. I was. I met up with some mutual friends the next day (Fri) and he met up with us (we never acted as if we were anything except friends.... except a few secret smiles), we wandered around and slowly people left until there was just the two of us, he said he had to study and so did I, so we headed off the in the direction of our houses, when we got to where I had to turn off we just stayed talking for ages, I went to kiss him and he just sighed and looked away... But he said he "should" study and eventually he suggested that he studied over in my house, I didnt jump on the idea because I wasnt sure, but when he said it again a few minutes later I agreed.
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just looking to meet new people, make some new friends.
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it is a fantastic zoom!
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Very honest, outgoing, open minded and curious. I love learning, meeting, and trying new thing.
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I am completely new to this site. I'm finding it a little confusing. Anyway I'm from Northern Minnesota! I winter and snow. And water. I'm pretty easy going and quite funny. I consider myself a nerd.
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Objectively, she's the most attractive woman I've ever been with on any level. And that's saying something, because I've always been lucky to be with really beautiful women. And we're like best friends and we click as well as I ever have with anyone.
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oh my is an understatement.
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pose lightblue longhair sand watersedge ocean.
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I am a born and raised catholic-turned-buddhist. I am 38 but I have a 25 year olds' spirit. I like being physically active. I love all kinds of music and consider myself a movie buff. I tend to lay.
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Just stop. Stop. Why would you date this person? Ur needs arent met. Shes too difficult and probs dont like you so much. Just why?! Leave.
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Will some other woman turn his head someday? Maybe. Maybe not. You have no control over that.
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Maybe she's not really in the mood for getting to know someone new right now, but still has her profile up.
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In general I am a happy person. I love to laugh and have fun. I am a mother of 3. My kids are the center of my universe! I want a man that does not have a problem with spending time with me and my.
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Here is something simple.....if you have an urge to cheat or you find yourself wishing to be with someone else, you either A) try to figure out what led you to feel this way and work it out with your BF OR you end the relationship and be on your marry way.
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It's possible this was taken with instagram and then cropped, but instagram only takes square photos. Also, I think it looks more heavily filtered than it actually is because of bad lighting.
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Your friend clearly behaves in a manner you find lacking in integrity. But he is your friend and you're not trying to date him so you don't let it bother you. But if he were a woman, you'd go home experiencing difficulty just relaxing and enjoying time with your wife at the end of the day would you not?
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agree with ferris - righty is stunning.