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| +1 |
I am 6'3", a slim man with lots of short brown hair (all on my head), light brown eyes, athletic and very communicative. I.
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Why is he suddenly ignoring me?
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Swim and work out for fu.
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My advice: if he's not feeling it - why keep him in your life, even as a friend?
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Hi.im just an ordinary person who loves haveing fun im plusesize so if u dont like plusesize women its ok ok.now moveing on. just enjoy life love god and love eacother thats what i want. a.
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After this, I noticed that he stopped talking about his gf. People in class would ask about her and lately he just stopped talking about her. He won't even bring her up! He used to tell us about his plans to see her, and now nothing. I think thats kinda odd. Maybe they broke up?
| +1 |
Love this post. Absolutely. I am a huge board game nut. One of my favorite bars in DC is called The Board Room. It is in DuPont circle. It is a two story bar when you can rent their board games. They have take out menus from all the restaurants in the area and you can spend hours playing games and imbibing.
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Hi. I'm looking for the ying to my yang in the south wales area. Must be genuine, honest and a true individua.
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you don't seem to be against her dancing or doing the lapdances, as long as she does not touch anyone. you seem to be hurt, perhaps your ego mostly, that she's the one who's gonna get you outta your bind instead of you.
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Lovely casual meeting while in Dubaifor a brief vacation.Carolina is a stunning natural beauty with a sweet disposition and a hour glass figure to die for. Excellent conversation led to sensual teasing with her soft curves pouring out of her lingere... Led to some wet OWO while she carrassed my boys with her smooth breasts accented with perky nipples. We spent about 30 minutes or so exploring a number of positions . She has everything going on for her and is a 10 in my book.
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Huge boobs with braces. Awesome.
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hi i am currently single so girls hm.
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And wear often it seems.