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3: Speak up! Your anxiety might be stopping you from clearly communicating how you feel and what you want - which leads to distance, which leads to further anxiety because you and your GF aren't on the same page. Even if it results in a fight you will still feel better knowing you've been truthful.
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Too soon to pursue anything serious, but I decided to be straightforward about my feelings. I gave him a bday card encouraging him with his career goals, telling him I was glad we'd gotten closer, I'd miss him, and I'd see him during the holidays. I ended with the confession: I knew there were a lot of factors that'd come into play, but I wanted to keep it simple, and I liked him. Pretty lighthearted.
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Mistress Kelly is the only True Dominatrix in Dubai. If you are looking for domination or fetish related sessions, you should definitely try to arrange an appointment with her. I have done sessions with her 5 times already and she gets better every time. Mistress Kelly is the real deal. Her place is also great and clean, and she has domination toys and BDSM equipment that is really top quality and you won't find anywhere else in Dubai. I would really recommend anyone looking for true domination to contact Mistress Kelly because she is 5 stars and has amazing Mistress skills that will keep you coming back.
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any bikini shots of her?
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You are not in the wrong for WANTING to do this. The thought of getting the truth out is normal.
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"Was good!love her energy,will visit her again soon,Thank you.
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Retired firefighter, widow, and very lonely, looking for someone to share so time with. I my be 74 but the fire still burns hot, and i don't look i.
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Well, I'm a good hearted person, I'm a hard working man, I'm independent, mature and respectfu.
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At first I was like, ok, let me find out a bit more - so I called her, and got her VM. That annoyed me as I was thinking really? A text message?
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We're not an official couple at all, but she has treated me as the most important person in her life and wanted contact more or less through the entire days. I guess i was struck pretty badly when she started showing those signs. Her attitude now only kind of reinforces your opinions. She acts as if nothing has happened. I'm prone to overthink, but i'd think that means she knows what she did and is happy to sweep it under the rug. If i was entirely off point i'd expect to be wiped off her map. I guess the only thing i regret is my tactless approach.
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Why is it so hard for me to deal with rejection? Most people would just brush it off. The irony is that I voluntarily humiliated myself most to the person I most wanted to impress.
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Might as well of asked if any guys here breath air.
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Honest, caring, humorous, and seriously looking for the same qualities soul mat.
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Brief? Ha! Once you know me, brief seems impossible! I really like to communicate, hear your story. Nothing is more interesting to me than someone's pas.
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All of her: List MOTG.
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Flu is just the common term people use to describe anything with a sore throat - they don't usually mean influenza when they say it. OP mentioned in another thread that her doc diagnosed her with strep throat.
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wee bit intense. challenge accepted.
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now she is totally my breast friend!!