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| +1 |
I'm looking to participate in a valid friendship emphasizing activities like going walking together, conversing about.
| +1 |
Definitely one of the best hp's on this site. What a perfect body!!!
| +1 |
Hi.Just browsing through.
| +1 |
I agree with leaving.
| +1 |
What if you just lick the neck slowly leaving a trail of cold saliva?
| +1 |
Like to wish you all a Happy New Year, even of you already celebrated it. :).
| +1 |
I like to watching movies, playing all kings of games(whether its outside sports, board games or video games). I'm a fun person who likes to see the best in everything. I like going out and i like.
| +1 |
So, some nights he gets fast food, and others it's a long, drawn out, seven course meal! With dessert!
| +1 |
If the focus was less on "how do I sleep with a girl" and more about "how do I connect with a woman", you'd be getting a different response from women. Wanting to sleep with a woman doesn't impress women. Wanting to know a woman on a deeper level does.
| +1 |
Lately he is also acting like all he cares about it sex. He always wants me to go to his house, he often mentions how horney he is and how we havent had sex in a while. When I do see him he is all up on me and when I make him stops he gets fustrated.
| +1 |
"Bait and switch. Not nearly the girl in the pictures so I left. Honesty is a must!
| +1 |
Should I confront her about this situation and say something? Or should I ignore it and just keep continuing the texts and conversations? We've only been on 1 date, keep in mind. I don't want to be out of line by saying something about her deleting the acc and creating another one, while she told me something else.
| +1 |
Men arent that much different. They are looking for love and companionship.
| +1 |
A breakup is painful, especially as you were fiances. DOnt be worried you are going to heal slowly but you will get there. There will be one day you will remember her, smile, and be happy it that is was done with her. She is a cheater and I am proud you end it. Dont be worried you are a good person with patience, tolerance and love, you will find a good woman. Best wishes.
| +1 |
35/m recently seperated looking to see what is out there and to meet and have some good friendship.
| +1 |
fierce! emo punk goth whatever!
| +1 |
Hi. my names Amy I have 2 kids they both live with me I love to read and listen to music 🎶 and watch movies or do something fun wit my kid.
| +1 |
All girls with legs like hers should wear shorts like those.
| +1 |
if there is truth to your concern, then it's obvious she felt this was something she couldn't talk to you about. what kind of relationship is that?
| +1 |
Easily the hottest face on this entire site.
| +1 |
cute, genuine single mother, fun, affectionate and easygoing. Seeking an attractive, fit, man, who lives somewhere in San Bernardino are.