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i agree - even a VPL to top it off.
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We were more than "just" friends but it was less than "dating". (If by that you mean steady BF GF sort of thing.).
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I'm not very good at talking about myself, but I will say I'm simple. It doesn't take much to make me happy. I'm tired of being single, but i'll stay that way before I settle. I'm a work in progress.
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Recently she messaged me talking about how excited she was for me to meet the kids and how she's okay with it. It was generally a nice message, but I was not very happy about it at all. I blocked her after she sent it because I do not want her messaging me. I believe she has no boundaries with anyone in her life, and I don't want to be one of those people.
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So what is holding him back?
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The year is coming to an end and I'm still hopelessly single. Yes, i have been rather active in the online dating scene since 2004 and hasn't been at all successful. I have met several men from various different online dating sites, joined some informal social dating events, met guy friends introduced by colleagues/friends. But none succeeded.
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Once you show that you're interested in them, they take you out of it.
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More doesn't equate to better.
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Teenage Years: You're doing well. However, don't stay on the phone so long with boys. You tend to fantasize and make boys into something they are not. Be more firm in your no and don't feel bad about it. Don't lead boys on.
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Tbh... Admin has previously refused to delete pics when people randomly decide to delete their account. Why should it be any different for Olivia?
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Within 3 weeks, he told me that he wanna be friends. I asked whether it's because of his crush to which he replies "no, i love you but i am not comfortable with commitments".
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Be off with the old love before you're on with the new...we all know that. First, make sure you're really done with the old love. How about a 1/2 page letter to Chee, in which you say that you admire her immensely, but have decided not to continue seeing her, for personal reasons? I would NOT give any actual concrete statements like "we moved too fast" or "you're too clingy". That just gives her a crack in the door so she can put her foot in and say "I wasn't clingy" or "I won't be clingy anymore". I'm not sure you need to meet face to face. If you do, keep it really quick - like five minutes MAX - and don't enter into any discussions of what went wrong or how it can be better. These will be painful and embarrassing for both of you.
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Car wash ass by day, thong-song ass by night!
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This woman is a goddess! There is no one like her on this website and she is the standard I use to evaluate every other working girl.
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I say let it go and move on, you haven't been dating that long anyway. Don't allow this guy to continue to lie to you.
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That's honestly the online dating game, there's flaky people, there's people only interested in keeping it online, there's multi-daters that just want to rack up the # of dates and not really have the intention of taking it further.
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Tummyfan What do you think a her face.
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what a freckly little cutie.