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jbsftw: This is your only warning to read the FAQ before you uploading anything else. You are only given a warning because you've been here so long. Headless pics are not allowed. Anything that breaks and obvious rule and you'll be banned.
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Hi.am new on here all am looking for is to get insearch of my soulmate to spend the rest of my life wit.
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I guess in this situation, he is making his true colours shown and if this is not acceptable to you then just cut him off now,or talk to him about it and show that your worth more than this disrespect. It sounds like your doing really well for yourself and would be a great companion for someone, but, someone worthy of yourself and your 2.5 yr old.
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wow i must also say this is one of the best true jb examples on here! cute lil butt wow.
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I'm laid back chill and a huge people person so don't be afriad to say h.
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Getting involved with anyone who hasn't cut the ties completely from their previous relationship(s) is a really bad idea. Some people just can't let go and some of them don't even want to, but they want something temporary, a plan B, someone to assuage the loneliness, soothe the ego, make the ex a little jealous, hang with and sleep with. They need someone who will be easy enough to let go if the ex takes them back, and someone gullible enough to just accept whatever distorted version of reality they proffer. You really DO NOT want to be that person.
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Is that correct? Well, I feel like this girl has a significant issue with boundaries in that, she has none. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life, checking her phone to see which guy she is talking with now... That's not how healthy relationships are supposed to work.
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I had a successful career as a chemist and business unit manager. I completed my first career as a director of business development with domestic and international interest.
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Well ladies out here lookin for that right girl who down to earth and don't play game.
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Well, renting= throwing money away, throwing money away= poor, poor= not happy. I'd much rather be very well off financially and living at home then on my own and poor.
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Pull Over That's Too PHAT !! Woo woo.
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this one could cause a wreck.
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Great pic!! Hard to choose between these 2 gals.
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This lady is like a breath of nice air, just deal with her like a gentleman and she will give you her heart before anything else.
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Originally Posted by lovelorcet.
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The only thing you can do is sit down and talk to him. Confront him with questions, don't attack and accuse. Don't say "You don't do this anymore...or that..." You just want honest answers and you need to let him know that things are going to change. If he's lost his feelings for you, or is seeing another woman, you want the respect that you deserve and you want answers and truth. Tell him if he is seeing another woman, that he needs to get out of your home and be with her (he won't like that one)...that you can't waste anymore time on a relationship that doesn't fulfill you.
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I'm an RIT grad (chemical engineering), but lifting is my life. I'm an amateur bodybuilding prepping for my first competition which is next yea.
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Almost the girl next door, but also fun, kind and mischievous. I'm easy going, have a sense of humor and enjoy life in general. Wish I knew how to play tennis and paddle boarding looks like a real.
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My friend made me tell her what happened 3 times, though I don't know whether that was for my benefit or hers. She said she didn't understand why he stood about 5ft behind me looking at the floor and didn't support me, he tried to pull me away and then stood in between us when I poked her. She questioned me about his telling her to leave him alone and highligted that he didn't even look her in the eye then.