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perfect, perfect, perfect hour glass!
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She wasn't available for giving service even after taking token amount and knowing all the details of hotel I was waiting in. She is only collecting a token amount from every one also she is making excuses that she lost her bag to take more money out of your pocket. So don't give her your precious money and spend on someone genuine rather. Rest is your wish if you wanna blindfold yourself and throw your on someone like her.
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Good man , honest , loving , If you are truly interested ask me anything iam an open boo.
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Guy says, "I'm not saying it could never happen." Between him and I. Says girl would have to quit smoking first, anyway.
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We dfk, as she motioned me to follow her to the massage room.From there it was a flurry of mouths, hands, tongues, and bodies entwined,in a variety of mechanizations too numerous to mention, but it was the hottest encounter I have ever experienced in both the P4P, and civvie dating/married life, hands down!
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amerikajin - well, i'm not sure it's universal. I would say the majority of girls are attracted to funny/confident types, but i know some of my friends who aren't. Quiet types can be very sexy if they eventually open up.
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I may be the odd man out here, but my ex husband and I have a great friendship even after three years of separation. We talk on a weekly basis and have managed to salvage the non-romantic/non-sexual part of our relationship despite our irreconcilable marital issues. While I won't say it wasn't difficult to adjust, we have reached a point where we are very comfortable with our platonic level of connection. We even go out together w/our present significant others! I can't imagine not having him as a friend - We have provided each other with a lot of moral support over the years, gone through many emotional and life altering experiences, etc. Your situation may be different in that your man's breakup was fairly recent, but my general feeling towards your question is that when a man and woman share such an intense relationship as marriage, there will always be feelings between them. That doesn't mean that he doesn't love and want to be with you. And it doesn't mean there are not issues that will continue between the two of them. I still love my ex husband dearly. But I am not in love with him. There is a huge difference - The same way you love your best friend, your brother, and your lover in very different ways.
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Great attitude and wonderful service. Glad to have her back. A true experience and skills. Mwah.
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Nice bikini and butifull girl.
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I only know maybe a very few German words. I speak Spanish good enough as my other language but that's different from her interests. We do have the same taste of music(I love Heavy Metal and many forms of Rock and Metal music). She seems pretty open-minded judging by the end of her description. As for guns, I used to go hunting with my father, uncles and cousins(last time I went hunting was almost 3 years ago since we're all more busy now with money budget problems.
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I wouldn't do long distance myself.