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OMG! I haven't seen this hottie in forever.
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I searched far and wide for more pics of righty. Most of what I found does not meet JBG standards. I will upload a few that _might_ make it, but they aren't great. My only hope is that someone buys her a nice camera for Christmas.
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Now that I'm single again and I'm interested in this other person, they no longer has that high level interest. There's little interest, but it's dying down quickly.
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I think a true nice guy wont feel the need to 'brag' about it. They will be who they are. They have nothing to prove. However, when someone is, well not nice - or even mean in some way, they feel the need to over compensate, and make everyone believe they are nice. Maybe even manuplate. Just my two sense.
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In reading body language, what do you do when half the time she's yawning and looking almost defensive, while the other half the of the time, she's exceedingly open, and if anything, wanting some kind of contact? Do I buy into her claims of being tired because of her medical rotation(work), or does this like an excuse?...right now I tend to believe it, but I may be naive. Moreover, she's never really initiated any kind of physical contact...it's always me, but she seems to like it when I do it...maybe she expects the guy to do the leading, or is shy (in terms of contact)?
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Yeah!! Keep the babybait comin'!!!
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She is saying she needs time and has a lot problems. She lives with her older mother alone and she is unable to work, so she needs to make earn for both. She said she likes me and sometimes we speak about future plans.
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Hi.I'm pretty much a good down to earth gir.
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Thanks :) btw, duck77 is gone.
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Everything I want to say will get this post flagged and/or me banned.
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Obviously, this is primarily directed to the women of LS, but if a guy wants to say what he feels is manly then go right ahead, this thread is really for anyone.
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bikini hoh sunglasses.
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If you feel she is crossing a line then you end things. You can't tell her what to do or not do.
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You cant change the fact that you are ASKING us if he is going to hit you and when ?
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2. Guys don't usually go to a bar and look for someone to settle down with...
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Well since this thread is here I may as well post something I've been thinking about as it's on topic.
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Thanks so much for the thoughts. You know, after your first post, I decided to write him a short email apologizing for the rude phone call. I explained that it hurt my feelings that he didn't show the first two times and that I should have said something about it. That I was upset on Friday when I made the phone call and that I shouldn't have called him a flake. Told him that I have enjoyed our time together. I also asked him why it happened. I'll see if I get a response. If I don't, then I guess that I'll have my answer, eh?
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omfg runner i hope so! she is so sexy and so is that outfit.
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and yet another little thin perfect body :).