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well hello there ! professional wizard here . currently based in the olympic village of irvine . also at banter college part time. doing a degree in advanced sarcasm . lookin to chat with any decent.
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yeah.. i can see her areola in this pic.
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any full body pics of this sweetie??
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I just got out of an affair and it has ruined my life. Please get yourself out of this mindset ASAP.
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Yes, that may be a bit of a dramatic topic title, but I'm feeling that I'm in some serious need of help with dating and relationships. I'll be quite blunt, in that the past several years have been awful for me on that front - I haven't even been on a date (let alone anything else) in over a year, and thinking about it terrifies me.
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It is like as if a good moment is kind of a reward, not something spontaneous. As if feeling good with her during an entire weekend was an achievement. I also question a lot why I feel attracted to other girls and if I should be already in such a serious relationship.
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I live in Crystal Palace. St east L,do.
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Invite him out to do stuff with you and/or your friends, it would probably help.
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next time, thanks...
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No, that just sets the person up to seek external validation from others and crash when they don't get it.
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Living in Japan and looking for lifetime partner. Looking to relocate if I find a good girl but lady will have to live here for a while. I am not able to find a lady here since half of all ladies in.
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if you dont like vote dump and move on !!
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nite munk!! see ya here tomorrow!!
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there are 2 more of her in my uploads i think if you like her.
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well he finally called me friday night and talked briefly.
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Blah Blah Blah ruston louisiana blah blah blah college blah blah blah friends.
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lefty resembles a young Sienna West.
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It's really hard to talk about yourself. But here goes. I'm retired army airborne ranger. Am also an ordained minister. Looking for someone to enjoy life with. Trust and being honest are my biggest.
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My kik is littlems.perfect547.
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It means only one thing..that you just havent found the right person.
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Reading my email (which I know you did and have done in the past) was like reading a diary of my personal thoughts and feelings about our situation. I know you think I’ve done something wrong by having these thoughts or feelings, but what you did was every bit of a violation and its not the first time either. I feel your mistrust of me and always have, and I believe its one of the reasons I’ve always acted out. I also believe your mistrust is why you choose other people over me.
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A new partner may not integrate fluidly into existing social circles of the other partner, especially if there are cultural or socio-ecnonmic differences.
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she's oiled up too, just look how that water is beading up on her.