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Oh, come on!! There has to be more?!?! This is stunning.
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2- Twice a week for lunch or dinner is not that much.
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After a year of snooping around and after nothing working out for my friend with other girls, he came back to his ex and tell's her I'm sure of you. She on the other hand took her time and mentally took a decision to be with him. Her reasons - its unfair to him, in her family being a different religion they would not accept me and it would be nearly impossible. My friend on the other hand is from same religion but different caste so there's still a chance. The 3rd choice would be arrange marriage and marrying someone whom you know for 3-4 weeks; so basically a known devil is better than an unknown one. She consulted her bro and cousin too and they said it would be very hard to support her on with me. They felt I was a great guy. Her family is too conservative and believes in guy being from the same religion and also caste (yes this in India and it still prevails in many families but not all). She has agreed to my friend basically. And they both of them are like on a compromise for each other because even he doesn't want to risk it with anybody else. So both of them are compromising on each other for marriage. What I don't understand is, how can you compromise on a partner for a relationship?
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When a woman cheats, there obviously had to be some really good reason otherwise she wouldn't have done it.
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nicest gap i have ever seen.
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That is exactly the reason why one should not rush out and meet somebody soon after discovering you each hit the same Starbucks twice a week, 15 minutes into your first online interaction. You get there and find out that you just don't have much to say to one another for not knowing the interests of the other. (which defeats the gains to be had for your online origins).
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I grew closer to the other guy friend, who is now my boyfriend of about a year as of this month. We became extremely close with an amazing and loving relationship. We have really grown a lot as individuals and as a couple. My friend and the girl he was with eventually broke up, and he became so much happier and less stressed, which made me happy for him. He wanted to just be single and focus on his career. But like myself, he eventually became unexpectedly involved with someone else and they grew together as a couple.
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come on people lets not make this guy think his gf is all out cheating on him. how many times do i have to say that JUST BECAUSE males and females have friends of the opposite sex DOES NOT MEAN that something is going on!
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Am a certified bed liner sprayer for middlekauff ford and a cook for La Casita. I take random road trips all the time. I usually don't plan anything because how how busy I am. Time is money in my.
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Single white male with advanced degree north suburbs of Chicago seeks accomplished single Asian female for dating leading to long term relationship and marriage. Thanks for stopping by my profile and.
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Very nice! Definitely a keeper! :).
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Bet she's not quite so cute now !
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Im seeking my bestfriend/soul mate/love.
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Kooky is right, this is a motto we could all learn to live by. Baby, he's a player. He may actually care about you but not enough to truly make a difference. He cares about you as a teenage boy cares about his Playstation.... something interesting to pass the time. I know he's a hottie and you feel some sort of connection, but look yourself in the eye and ask "How long should I wait for him to give a sh**" You WILL look back at this some day and roll your eyes. You can only get to the finish line if you start the running.
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One of my bfs (the favorite one who got 3am bjs) was really into that whole thing just before he met me, and he was really good at it. BUT he wasn't a shady weirdo who was doing it to get laid, he was interested in learning new ways of communicating and relating to people, etc. (and mostly he really wanted to see if it worked). He was charming like you wouldn't believe, and we dated for a couple years, had a great relationship for the most part.
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We had a wonderful time on our trip, but the night we got back, we got into an argument. Not a huge argument, but he said some things that totally shattered almost any sense of security I had regained. We were not sober when the discussion/argument occurred and the next day he acted like things were fine. I brought it up, but he told me not to worry about it, that we weren't sober and what he meant to say came out wrong. That was Sunday. It's now Thursday and I'm going to see him tonight. Ever since Sunday, I've been trying to play it cool and again not let on about my insecurity. I think it shows a little, but I've really tried not to let it take over. I'm afraid to show him it's constantly bothering me because us being stressed out about stuff was something he cited in his reasons he wanted to break up. I wait everyday for him to say something sweet to me, but he never does. I find myself looking back through our old texts and yearning for the things he used to say. Pretty much the only loving thing he says to me is "I love you," which is great, but I don't feel like he is head over heels for me like he was.
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Cuties my comment was for the guy below you, not you.
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My god the glasses, the pigtails, the skirt, and she's cute...I wish I was still in school.
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Right now I'm stuck dealing with an EX from grad school because our companies are working on a project together & we're the team leaders. DH knows all about it. It's all above board. About the only unprofessional thing we do is address emails to our nicknames (we both have long names that get shortened think Mike for Michael, not pet names) rather than using our formal surnames: Ms. Smith.