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| +1 |
I like going to movies, listening to music, hangin out with my friends. I'm looking for a hottie with a body with a good personality and has some same interests as me :)>.
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I caught my ex - husband to be with a profile and picture (with his shirt off) on lavalife.com and he was in the intimate encounters area ( saying he was single , looking for sex with local gals) .... He kept this a secret from me , knowing I wouldnt approve, he did it anyway, I snooped... which im sorry for, but had to because he wasnt communicating with me ....and found this secret out/ I got very very mad, name called... which im sorry for... but the next day I forgave him and wanted to work on our trust issues... he acted a bit skiddish... and couldnt look me in the eye anymore...because of guilt, and said that he damaged me beyond repair. He cancelled the wedding 3 days later, kicked me out of the house the next morning ( the morning of my wedding shower) and asked me to give back the ring, I did and he never saw me or called me again.
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Conversation: 10/10Service: 10/10Sexiness: 10/10Location: Good part of town. Nice apartment.
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Then we had a nice conversation for about 15 minutes. She was so hapy and excited. then i told her how i never meet foreigners and how i was happy to meet her etc. Then she said she felt the same , that she never has the chance to meet americans. Then we agreed to be friends and go out to drink tea or something and i added "and to do fun stuff together" hehe. and wooooow. Then we exchangeed phone numbers and names we tested eachother's phones so that we were sure we had the correct numbers. It was like a miracle today.
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Even if you go on one or two dates and the guy is still sleeping around and "experimenting" with multiple women, it is a huge turn off.
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Wait - I thought you guys were having a LDR? Did this stop? I thought you wrote somewhere that he was still calling you many times a day, there were plans to connect soon... Am I imagining this? (highly probable - lol).
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I need one of those after seeing her, what a beaty.
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me like to spend lovely and love music and enjoy and like to spend time with fu.
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im a single woman looking to meet someone who enjoys outdoors and good company. No games here. want the same. friends and maybe relationship.
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They're both beauties. With or without glasses.
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I enjoy all kinds of activities. The beach.
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Just looking for a straight foward girl to have fun wit.
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Male child is an Officer in the USMC and fabulou.
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Hi.I'm attourny. my whats app:+98 0936752142.
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On one hand it's not like you two are in a relationship, but on the other, if he was interested in you and you invited him to go out, he wouldn't be bringing his new squeeze to tag along. That's a pretty clear sign that he's not into you.
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Young face, big boobs.
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just because i'm alone doesn't mean i'm lonely.
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I'm gonna keep for lefty.
| +1 |
this body is amazing, especially that toned little stomach.