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Don’t be mad at this. It's the truth, but it doesn't mean that I don’t love you. It just means that I'm looking right at you and I see the real you. I know that I am stronger than you and that I'm going to win this despite you.
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Looks like a real beauty! From what you can see.
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If only she was smiling! Otherwise perfect.
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Illogical, in my opinion, but nevertheless a real fear for you. I do not understand how feeling scared, which is natural when you have told somebody you love them or when you feel extremely vulnerable, manifests (as you say) into thinking "we" won't be together. I am completely dark as to why you would say this.
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Great photo, beautiful girl.
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Right now I'm doing pics from the 9th.
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If I was her that's what I'd want to hear, and maybe I might message after, but if you hadn't sent it I wouldn't have.
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jail face spread wide.
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topless handbra Leela.
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Love her. Very sweet face.
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My bf and I have been together just over a year now (I am 22, he is 23) and we have gotten to that stage in our relationship where we are sharing our likes and dislikes, our pet peeves, and in general are just discussing our ‘issues’ more deeply. Lately my bf has been complaining a lot about how little time we have together. He thinks I’ve been spending too much time with my friends over him, and he’s been really bitching a lot about it lately. He says we only get to see each other a few times a week, but I seem to have time to hang out with my other friends all the time. Well, this is true but this is because he lives on the other side of the city and goes to a different school, while most of my friends live closeby and attend the same school and we even have the some of the same classes together. I told him it’s just a question of convenience and proximity, but he seems to be peeved that I’m always telling him I can’t see him or meet him because I’m already engaged or have plans with some of my friends.
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Real laid back and easy going I can't see who liked me so just message me no bs or drama please fakes and scammers stay awa.
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i'm not sure what tread with caution means here, do i back off until he decides what he wants and makes a choice between me or her?
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lol @ D-Lish. Knew you were an aggressive woman.
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my uncle is an amazing person, he is a genius, and an all around GREAT GUY, he is hard working, etc... he has one problem, his GF...she's what you would call a hippie... she feels like everything should be handed to her, she barely works, (works a few days a week at a pizza place, 4 hours each day) basically gets my uncle to pay for everything she does. my uncle is in the process of getting his masters degree and is tight on money at the moment, and this girl is relying on him. she gets food stamps, because she's simply too lazy to get a full time job, she feels she doesn't have to work,..SHE THINKS EVERYTHING SHOULD BE HANDED TO HER ON A SILVER PLATTER... shes 26. he's 35...no one in our family really likes her...she's a "nice girl" but she's not the one...she;s nothing special..they've been together 4 years and we think since my uncle's getting older and wants to have kids, he thinks she's the best he will get BUT SHE ISN'T NOBODY IN THE FAMILY WANTS HER A PART OF IT... what should we do before he makes the mistake of marrying her???? HELP.
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arm2camera selfpic plaid fcl car frontseat bangs smile cutie.
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Yeah, thats pretty much par for the course for me. I think the part that really makes my mind wonder is were they interested at all, and my VM or something changed their mind, or were they never going to want to talk to me again regardless of my next move? Hard to say when they go MIA like this.
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Don't turn all this on yourself. Your wife was cheating on you PERIOD. If not, however, she didn't love you anyway or she would have stopped whatever she was doing to cause you to distrust her. Instead of saying, "Oh, gosh, Honey, you're right, all this looks bad. I don't want to cause any discomfort for you or our relationship. I will handle it immediately".
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NYKY23: age undefined , stop feeding me crap / DAX22: pro model / DUFFYBOY83: pro model , male in pic strike two.