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As things progressed, he finally agreed because he felt as though things we getting serious between us. He told her that she had to find another place to stay when coming down. Things seemed ok until I found out that my bf was talking to his ex on a regular basis about her current relationship and even details about our relationship. I told him that I was uncomfortable about it and that there needed to be clearer boundaries. I feel as though now that she see's him with me, she wants him back. My bf said he had a talk with her but lately he brings her name up in EVERY conversation. She is back in town and although he says she isn't staying with him, I don't believe him. I feel that he has misled me about being ready to be in a relationship and that he was over his ex. He is still facebook friends with her. He called me yesterday and mentioned her and I had had enough. I am going to break things off with him tonight but am I being unreasonable? I have never told him he couldn't talk to his ex wife because they do have kids together, but I think the nature of their relationship is leaving an open door for infidelity. What do you think?
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you did what was right to do......even if you lose him.....know that even if you didnt tell you lost him when you cheated....deb.
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I'm going to try and keep this short. I'm not sure if the actual details really matter but here is the general summary:.
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The fact that she would even suggest staying with a LT serious immediately previous ex when traveling says very clearly that she doesn't respect your relationship or take it seriously. What they say about "into you blablabla" is 100% noise. Ignore it. No one I know would be OK with even a suggestion of this, and I can't think of a single woman I've been exclusive with who wouldn't break up with me immediately at the mention of it. Good luck.
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Piece of TP or string maybe?
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So what would you guys do? How can I handle this situation?
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She does live in Southern California, we live in Las Vegas but her mom and dad and some other extended family are here. ......asked if she would consider and had the time to meet us both for like lunch or something. She declined, saying that she just wasn't ready for it or soemthing like that.
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From someone who has been in a similar situation: I totally agree.
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I sent him a message, so tomorrow it should be set XD.
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Just wanting to have a friendship and see where it goes with a side of fun.
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Righty is just lovely (y).
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Hi. I'm the shy and quiet typ.
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its a instagram pic .
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Were you a virgin when you got together? If not, then you have a double standard, but I commend you for trying so hard to work through it. Even if you can't get past this and break up with her, almost anyone else you date could trigger the same issue. It's simply not realistic to expect otherwise - and of course, anyone else you date could have exes that are bigger, or better, or handsomer. That does NOT matter. What matters is that they are choosing to be with you now, and vice versa.
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sonny357, what do you want from her?
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Hey! So I'm just a fun energetic person that just needs a bit more in his life you know? :) so to you that's looking.. Yes you feel free to msg me alright? :.
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I'm shy to begin with, but I soon get talkin.
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Yes, that's more credible :).
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plus...I've seen the full size image...she looks like that really smart egghead chick in the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons.
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omg! thank you random!
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Classy? She's wearing a choker. Regardless, super hot.
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She delivered on all fronts and I'll be sure to be back.".
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When I was younger there was no such thing -- Yes, there was. People didn't talk/know about it as much. People weren't having the conversations. Social media and the internet has "highlighted" certain things that lots of people held as "truths".
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Hi! I’m the one your mother.