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sexy daisy dukes, flat tummy and cute. (just wish they would have cropped it ya).
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Hi! I'm a social worker for the state of GA! I enjoy what I do & love helping people. I like to hang out with friends & family and play with my dog, Harley. I love to travel and I'm looking for my.
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I had this one girl I texted earlier in a day and agreed to speak with her that night. When I called I had to remind her who I was. I should have hung up but she was local so I figured she might be good enough for sex. She wasn't lol.
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Also, a lot of the more attractive women just go on their for fun and attention. They often get 20 messages a day and don't read the majority of them.
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quite striking indeed.
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My advice is the same from your past thread regarding this issue.
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Originally Posted by Bekki47.
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i`m from rio de janeiro - brasil so i`m seeking for a smart girl that like a talk about every thing who wathc ufc fighting with me .. if you know more about me tell me. kisse.
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Aren't these guys afraid of rumors getting started? I don't think anything has happened yet but they are talking about going to the bar for drinks. It's just sick. They are constantly looking at her when she walks away and then they even talk about her. I am actually quite jealous of her because of the attention she is getting and how pretty she is.
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Aloha Lady's, Looking for good chemistry and soulmate and maybe best friend,and LTR timing is everything so please be ready to have fun and share your life and want to live an adventurous life.
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"I met her two days ago, amazing lady real photos and good feeling, I enjoyed with her.
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Now those are great legs.