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But I can say I don't think he is after sex soley. Since I was out, I was drinking and was in a sensual mood. I basically told him I wanted him aka sex and he didn't take the bait. Not, that it was a bait but most guys if you are sending sexual innuendos, would try to see how far it goes. I even sent him a sexy pic (not a nude) and he didn't get sexual. He said it was a sexy pic but he didn't try to push for more pics or get dirty. So, it seems he likes me for more than my physical?
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mismatch bikini red top black bottom necklace hof lookaway shower purple shampoo or conditioner bottle wet hair.
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prophet: Your doop was in the "Common Doops" List #26 linked to the right. Another upload from this list and you'll be banned from uploading. was the doop.
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I am pretty sure if you walked up to ten random guys in a day. You will get more than 2 who allow your advances. Then you already beat your record.
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I'm glad you all had wonderful ones too!
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You will be much more attractive if you can be unthreatened by this and trust him.
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so then, what do you do? my advice is, again, to expand yourself sincerely, to the point where you can carry on conversation (sincerely) without bring perceived as Mr.Fu*king Akward.
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if i could have just one wish come true.......
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This proves an important point: Even if you know your partner isn't a 10, you should always tell them they're gorgeous. Never ever tell someone they're less than a 10, even if it's the truth.
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He does not treat any of his other friends like this, and he has admitted that to me as well. But I'm not sure what's going on or where this sudden sweetness, kindness and attachment is coming from.
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Just met Melina for the second time and she is just the best. I completely lost myself in the session and went with the flow. Melina is so real,. Melina you are a star, a girlfriend, a lover and a friend all in one gorgeous wrapper. Love you baby.
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"Sorry It's been a busy few days. I enjoy hanging out with you too, but I do admit I pulled back a little . I am a very independent person and it's hard for me to adjust if that makes sense".
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I think I am. I've just been pretending not to be. She's just been very aggressive with me and I thought she might be trying to love bomb me. I sensed that from the beginning so I decided to keep my distance and tread lightly. Maybe I miss all the attention and her blowing up my phone. She's definitely not MIA but the obsessive behavior has died down.
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Let's go do something, a run, a work out, ride a bike, hell we can play bridge if that's your thing. All the stuff I write won't matter if we don't meet and we find a spark. So get off your couch.
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Hi. I'm a BBW looking for a sexy kinky girl to have some fun wit.