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I find myself actually cutting her some slack on this clusterf*ck, because she IS just a kid. But she doesn't need to grow up on your dime.
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The fact that you are on here questioning it shows that you are not happy and could not deal with it and be with someone who does this. Basically it is a sign that it is time to move on. You have not up with this guy and have no connection. You will be fine.
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but the issue is sort of the same.
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Another hit with search term bubble butt.
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My question for you is why is it ok with you to have a boyfriend who secretly records you, makes you prove your whereabouts and analyze a recording, then disbelieve you when you say it isn't you?
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This and other things in life...show that women are such a mystery.
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Good job MichelleMaBelle!
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Two dates before you decide to move on is not unreasonable.
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I am loving, pionate, charming ,adventurous, down to earth , open minded who loves to socializ.
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I know a guy who probably makes millions a year and doesn't even work. My father never made over 250k a year and he worked all the time even many weekends. More work doesn't always equal more money. Do what makes you happy. 250k+ could force most people into 40hrs plus work but if thats not for you 120k for part time work is amazing. I should come do what you're doing if its so profitable!
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Again, I try to be understanding because she was ill in highschool and didnt have many if any friends so this is all very new and exciting for her so I bite my toungue alot because i get it. But I hve brought it up and yes she apologizes but it doesn't sink in she still acts all ADD like.
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I have a theory about some people (not necessarily your friend); I call it the BBD theory, or Bigger, Better Deal. Some people keep their social options open, looking for the most advantageous use of their social time, and then bail on their other commitments once the desired usage is found. Sometimes they send regrets; other times they just don't show. Once identified, they always seem to not be on my guest list; I don't know why.
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braided ponytail 2 tanlines 3.
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Cheerleader with two cute friends.
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Also, I agree with crazygurl. He sounds pretty low. Is that what he does when his friend turns his back?
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socklover comments like the ones you're leaving can get you banned.
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She doesn't like attention like that, that's for sure. She's much more bubbly and stable with other people than she is with me (I always have to get her out of her shell, with other people she's much more spontaneous). At least I've never heard of any girls acting anxious, painfully nervous, as in actually spilling coffee on herself, and obviously avoiding a man to get his attention. On the bad days it's really like she just wants to run away from me, it's only because of the good days and because I know I can make her open up that I don't just assume she's completely creeped out by me.
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Thanx kev I'm new here so I'm still learning. But LOVE the site!
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Charming bunch arent they.
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I've been dead set against multi-dating for years, as I believe it doesn't lead to emotional intimacy... however, I also believe that the lifestyle so many men prefer to have (even when they are in a so-called relationship) doesn't lead to real intimacy either... nor are they trying to build a life with someone. It's more like they are just killing time.
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Mimi is a great girl. I've met her twice and her roommate once. One of the Best CIM I've ever had. Fantastic oral skills!
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STETSONRUKAKA: you've mentioned the dupe.
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Originally Posted by wuggle.
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i feel great knowing there is more emma watson in the world.